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Lewiston Police Logs for Wednesday, September 14

22-L14303 Traffic Hazard

Incident Address: BRYDEN CANYON RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 07:17:13

Cad Comments:

female in blk dress with floral pattern walking eastbound in the middle of the roadway.


22-L14304 Agency Assistance

Incident Address: 2300 16TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 07:29:11

Cad Comments:

isp out with poss wanted person


22-L14305 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 5th St & 6th Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 07:33:17

Cad Comments:

male with lots of bags tried to open callers vehl doors. he set his bags down in the middle of the roadway and poss walking down the roadway, he was ls crossing 5th. Unk where he is now.


22-L14306 Abandoned Vehicle

Incident Address: 1200 IDAHO ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 07:49:51

Cad Comments:

mar plym acclaim. parked for over two weeks.


22-L14308 LAlarm

Incident Address: 1200 9TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: FAL

Time Reported: 08:23:34

Cad Comments:

comm burg alarm north motion interior and double door perimeter.


22-L14309 Non Injury Collision

Incident Address: 8th St & 11th Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:30:22

Cad Comments:

white tacoma ran red light and hit silver sedan // no injuries


22-L14310 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 1800 GRELLE AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:41:27

Cad Comments:

house has several roosters, also has 2 dogs that are kept in disgusting pens


22-L14311 Disoriented Subject

Incident Address: 600 8TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:48:12

Cad Comments:

**start with phone contact** male // in and out of the hospital, currently is psychotic, not taking medication or following through with his recent hospital discharge plan // he became aggressive when comp tried to talk to him // he was not willing to go to the hospital at that time


22-L14312 Abandoned Vehicle

Incident Address: “Stateline Hwy 128

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:53:28

Cad Comments:


22-L14315 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 500 20TH ST N

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:06:56

Cad Comments:

Male says he needs the ambulance and the police // says he needs officer for standby, cannot tell for what // says he is not injured, talked about someone being bloody but when asked to specify he said nobody was bloody // says he was bit by a spider, but he doesn’t need medical attention, it just killed the other things inside him and now he is full of spider venom. He said the site it not swelling and he doesn’t want an ambulance or fire dept.


22-L14316 Theft

Incident Address: 1200 16TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:56:17

Cad Comments:


22-L14317 Citizen Dispute

Incident Address: THAIN RD; phone contact

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:00:40

Cad Comments:

phone contact**not in progress, happened Saturday approx 1750-1820 // comp pulled out of rosaures, toyt tundra was speeding down thain approx 60 mph, comp turned left onto thain and the tundra was tailgating and being aggressive // comp pulled into toyota, other driver pulled in and was harassing comp him calling him names, threatening to beat / kill comp, he had a child in the car //comp tried to leave and he blocked him in and threatened him some more // threw the chewing tobacco out of his mouth at comp // comp thinks the incident should be on video, but also thinks that the wife of the suspect works at Toyota and is blocking the video from being seen


22-L14318 Found Property

Incident Address: 400 6TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:01:17

Cad Comments:

purse, wallet and credit card was left at the hospital. Is in the lost and found. Has cash inside


22-L14319 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 1200 CEDAR AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:05:59

Cad Comments:

neighbors dogs got out about 0630 and tried to attack comps husband. This is not the first time they’ve called. One of the dogs is a mastiff. Comp is worried about the kids in the area. Wants to talk to ACO. if it happens again comp and/or husband will go to guns to protect themselves.


22-L14320 Fire-Vehicle-Grass

Incident Address: 1200 8TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:26:00

Cad Comments:

transformer blew, smoke showing. top of pole on fire


22-L14321 Agency Assistance

Incident Address: 400 6TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:40:52

Cad Comments:

assisting subject


22-L14322 Code Enforcement

Incident Address: 1000 17TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:42:44

Cad Comments:

tree hangs over the stop sign and makes it hard to see // comp is concerned it will cause an accident


22-L14324 Disoriented Subject

Incident Address: 400 BURRELL AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 11:37:48

Cad Comments:

woman in cruise lounge, not a passenger, rocking back and forth and screaming // does not appear injured // yelling about the government


22-L14325 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 7th St & Cedar Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: ANI

Time Reported: 11:48:30

Cad Comments:

dog wandering around 7th st, at the corner // black and white, tall and skinny, seems lost, barking


22-L14326 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 1100 WARNER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:09:15

Cad Comments:

comp states that she is caring for the neighbors barns cats and that there are two dogs, one tan and one black in the area that got loose this morning, she was able to get them to go home, she thinks but they are aggressive with cats, as they have killed one in the past


22-L14327 Hit & Run Collision

Incident Address: 1100 F ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:21:52

Cad Comments:

comp states that during lunch she went out and noticed that her car been hit. had to have been hit between 820-1200.


22-L14328 Traffic Hazard

Incident Address: 16th St & Main St

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:34:43

Cad Comments:

blue haired female, is bouncing all over the place and weaving between buildings and street, headed WB


22-L14329 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 1500 COMPASS CT

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:34:58

Cad Comments:

on male got a dui recently, and caller got a text that said “goodbye my friend” and now he won’t respond back.


22-L14330 Animal in Custody

Incident Address: 700 27TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: ANI

Time Reported: 12:40:25

Cad Comments:

comp caught a cat, hair is “scruffy” and looks like there is something wrong with its jaw, collar but no tags


22-L14331 Parking Problem

Incident Address: 500 7TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:45:45

Cad Comments:

veh blocking comps driveway


22-L14332 Parking Problem

Incident Address: 400 15TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:03:03

Cad Comments:

car blocking driveway


22-L14333 Parking Problem

Incident Address: 1300 GRELLE AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:07:51

Cad Comments:

silver car parked at the pump, no plates, nobody around it // blocking the pump


22-L14335 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 1000 WARNER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:50:07

Cad Comments:

comp is supposed to meet someone to deposit a publishers clearing house check into her account, ADV COMP TO NOT DEPOSIT CHECK INTO HER ACCOUNT// comp would like ofc to meet her and possibly intercept the scammer


22-L14336 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 1400 ALDER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:58:59

Cad Comments:

2 german shepherds got out of the given address, not “super friendly”


22-L14337 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 2900 MAGNOLIA ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:59:27

Cad Comments:

Male put a big duffel bag of packages in his car, car was disabled so he “hid” in the stairwell until someone got there to help him


22-L14338 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 5TH ST & CAPITAL ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 14:03:39

Cad Comments:

female walking down the middle of the roadway, blocking traffic and dropping her clothing. blue hair currently outside the museum going up to cars.


22-L14339 Narcotic Activity

Incident Address: 400 6TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 14:19:39

Cad Comments:

security has para he needs to give to ofcs // was in someone’s personal belongings


22-L14340 Juvenile Problem

Incident Address: 800 BURRELL AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 14:37:59

Cad Comments:


22-L14341 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 1800 MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 14:48:11

Cad Comments:

man walking through the parking lot throwing rocks, has blood on his face and was hearing voices // he was on the south side of the carwash, wearing black 90 or 95th anniversary t-shirt, // there was a large amount of dried blood on his face


22-L14342 Welfare Check


Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:02:12

Cad Comments:

female on the side of the bridge passed out.


22-L14343 Reckless Driving

Incident Address: BRYDEN AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:10:24

Cad Comments:

grnish silver toyt car and was swerving.


22-L14344 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 900 STEWART AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:28:00

Cad Comments:



22-L14345 Citizen Assist

Incident Address: 1100 HARVEST RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:36:31

Cad Comments:

the property owner and stated that a subject was in his res and no one should be there.


22-L14346 Citizen Dispute

Incident Address: 0300 2ND ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:54:33

Cad Comments:

**not in progress** comp fired a couple employees and they are disgruntled, demanding his addr etc // they are not there now but comp is for contact // comp would like to document the issues


22-L14348 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 1200 BRYDEN AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:06:19

Cad Comments:

dog in the area at large boxer/shepherd mix orangeish in color.


22-L14349 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 700 5TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:10:05

Cad Comments:

2 dogs running around outside // larger yellow-tan color dogs // chasing neighborhood cats, don’t seem aggressive to people // ongoing problem with these dogs being out // they were running around comps house


22-L14350 Reckless Driving

Incident Address: 6TH ST & WARNER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:14:18

Cad Comments:

bright blue dodge dakota // going about 65 down the road // was going north on 6th, unk where he went from preston


22-L14351 Trace

Incident Address: 2800 JUNIPER DR

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:31:03

Cad Comments:

recd a 911 hang-up. busy upon redial


22-L14352 Threats

Incident Address: 600 BURRELL AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:57:24

Cad Comments:

comp states that the man that has been threatening a subject is now contacting her and her granddaughter and is threatening to kill them.


22-L14353 Telephone Harassment

Incident Address: 400 THAIN RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 17:31:37

Cad Comments:

caller reports about 2 months ago. 2 males are stalking and harassing comp at her place of employment.


22-L14355 Unwanted Subject

Incident Address: 600 WARNER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 19:13:12

Cad Comments:

somebody keeps knocking on comp’s door – comp asked who it was and subj does not answer – comp said she is scared because it may be her son in law who she had a cpor with a while ago


22-L14356 Animal Noise

Incident Address: 800 TAMARACK DR

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 19:22:42

Cad Comments:

dog barks non stop


22-L14357 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 360010TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 19:20:08

Cad Comments:

dog is at large in comp’s yard – poss border collie – has a gry collar with a tag that says “Tuff” and a phone number // when a neighbor called the number, somebody answered and told them to just let the dog run.


22-L14358 Domestic

Incident Address: 400 ADAMS LN

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 19:37:58

Cad Comments:

female just pulled knife on comp // female is ex-fiancé // she threw the knife when comp called police


22-L14359 Vagrancy

Incident Address: 1800 10TH ST; AREA OF

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 20:11:28

Cad Comments:

male has been in the neighborhood pushing shopping cart – he was headed into the modie park area – subj walked past comp’s residence approx 5 ago – subj poss homeless – described as approx 30-50 whi male, gryish or sandy colored shoulder-length hair, wearing blu squa t-shirt, shorts


22-L14360 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 10th St & Airway Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 21:01:52

Cad Comments:


22-L14362 Canine Search

Incident Address: 500 LAPWAI RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:52:21

Cad Comments:

Nature change from Agency Assist to K9 Search


22-L14363 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 8TH AVE BLVD & 18TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 03:09:33

Cad Comments:

males with grn t-shirt no shoes or socks on wondering around in the middle of the street; just walking around in circles


22-L14364 Agency Assistance

Incident Address: 4900 HATWAI RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 03:34:38

Cad Comments:

assist county searching a building


22-L14365 Citizen Assist

Incident Address: 100 16TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: FAL

Time Reported: 04:30:20

Cad Comments:

the alarm is going off


22-L14366 Citizen Dispute

Incident Address: 500 PARK ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 05:13:37

Cad Comments:

mother and son screaming