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Lewiston Police Logs for Thursday, September 15

22-L14367 Traffic Hazard

Incident Address: 2400 E MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 07:29:22

Cad Comments:

deer in the roadway


22-L14368 Unwanted Subject

Incident Address: 1300 MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:08:37

Cad Comments:

2 people on the property that won’t leave // man and woman


22-L14369 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 1200 BURRELL AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:15:38

Cad Comments:

people around the corner from comp have turkeys, chickens, ducks, etc all penned in a very small area


22-L14370 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 30 US HIGHWAY 12

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:52:48

Cad Comments:

man on the bridge looks like he is out of it on drugs


22-L14371 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 1200 BURRELL AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:58:24

Cad Comments:

comp found a cut cat converter in the dumpster


22-L14372 Code Enforcement

Incident Address: 1500 IDAHO ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:01:32

Cad Comments:

big lot with all the


22-L14373 Hit & Run Collision

Incident Address: 3200 CECIL ANDRUS WAY

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:15:35

Cad Comments:


22-L14374 Abandoned Vehicle

Incident Address: 7TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:17:17

Cad Comments:

white van full of equipment, parked in the same place for months


22-L14375 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 1800 G ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:29:35

Cad Comments:

male waving stick or pipe around


22-L14376 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 1300 N ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:52:39

Cad Comments:

dogs are locked up all day long


22-L14377 Found Property

Incident Address: MILLER ST; lobby report

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:04:56

Cad Comments:

**contact front desk** found phone cords while walking


22-L14378 Code Enforcement

Incident Address: US HIGHWAY 128 & W 10TH AVE N

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:06:20

Cad Comments:

large tow behind trailer parked by the train cars, plugged into one of the electric poles


22-L14379 Fraud

Incident Address: 400 LINDEN DR

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:05:30

Cad Comments:

comp’s ss check went missing on 9/1/22


22-L14380 Theft

Incident Address: 1900 7TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:15:29

Cad Comments:

someone stole comps blue jumper box


22-L14381 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 100 N GARDEN CT

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:56:27

Cad Comments:

Vin on utility trailer


22-L14384 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 400 THAIN RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:09:27

Cad Comments:

whi car unk plate near the air pump


22-L14385 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 3000 CYPRESS ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:12:16

Cad Comments:

stray dog in the yard poss hit by a car, limping


22-L14386 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 700 AIRWAY AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:47:12

Cad Comments:

5 pit bulls up here, running around at large


22-L14387 Fingerprints

Incident Address: 1224 F ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:05:46

Cad Comments:


22-L14388 Custodial Interference

Incident Address: 2000 OLD NORTH SOUTH HWY

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:06:40

Cad Comments:

ex gf took comps child and won’t tell him where the child is


22-L14390 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 3300 13TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:55:40

Cad Comments:

woman, poss on drugs, is lurking around the front of comps apartment


22-L14391 Fingerprints

Incident Address: 1224 F ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:30:01

Cad Comments:


22-L14392 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 400 6TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:34:10

Cad Comments:

there are two large dogs in a car


22-L14395 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 400 D ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:23:18

Cad Comments:

2 males, 1 with a black jacket, curly black hair, poss a teen or early 20s, green folder, walking on D st, being yelled at by a man in gray shirt,


22-L14396 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 2300 SUNSET DR

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:41:53


22-L14397 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 300 15TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:42:51

Cad Comments:

“crazy meth guy” is back on the corner and antagonizing the dogs.


22-L14398 Non Injury Collision

Incident Address: Thain Rd & Park Ave; by phone

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:47:44

Cad Comments:

comp was in a crash yesterday, exchanged phone numbers w/ other driver, but other driver was in too big a hurry to give anything more


22-L14399 Animal in Custody

Incident Address: 100 NEW SIXTH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:57:36

Cad Comments:

several kittens found under the dumpster


22-L14400 Animal in Custody

Incident Address: US HIGHWAY 128 & W 10TH AVE N; DOWNRIVER RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:56:56

Cad Comments:

There are 4 cats in the camper


22-L14401 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 900 MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:58:42

Cad Comments:

male in the parking lot, throwing items at the ground and fence.


22-L14404 Traffic Hazard

Incident Address: 300 21ST ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 17:37:57

Cad Comments:

male is in the street, acting on drugs, stepped out in front of a car


22-L14405 CPOR Violation

Incident Address: 900 WARNER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 17:54:30

Cad Comments:

ex is contacting comp, there is a no contact order in place


22-L14406 Telephone Harassment

Incident Address: 200 5TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:00:44

Cad Comments:

comp stated that he is not allowed to be around


22-L14408 Unwanted Subject

Incident Address: 300 15TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:58:45

Cad Comments:

there is a male that was standing in front of comps door, refusing to leave,


22-L14409 Reckless Driving

Incident Address: 16th Ave & 21st St

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: ACT

Time Reported: 19:28:10

Cad Comments:

wb towards Clarkston; little red coupe; wa plates unk plates; all over the road


22-L14410 Runaway Location

Incident Address: 1600 10TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 19:36:56

Cad Comments:

runaway male at this location


22-L14412 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 600 PRESTON AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 21:13:49

Cad Comments:

weird activity – somebody driving through area back and forth


22-L14413 Trace

Incident Address: 3400 6TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 21:16:02

Cad Comments:

rcvd 2 911 hang up calls


22-L14415 Hit & Run Collision

Incident Address: Thain Grade & Nez Perce Grade; phone contact

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 21:23:53

Cad Comments:

around 1730 today comp was hit by a blk Chevy silverado


22-L14418 Domestic

Incident Address: 1500 GRELLE AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:15:37

Cad Comments:

comp had windows open; can hear a women screaming “stop, stop”


22-L14419 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 800 WARNER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:24:51

Cad Comments:

pick up drove by the house twice with a loud motor


22-L14421 Noise Disturbance

Incident Address: 1700 5TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:30:42

Cad Comments:

tv is blaring


22-L14422 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 1800 11TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:47:46

Cad Comments:

neighbor across the alleyway, car alarm is going off


22-L14423 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 9TH ST & D ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:55:25

Cad Comments:

older women walking down the street looking confused


22-L14424 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 700 AIRWAY AVE; apt a

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:59:05

Cad Comments:

truck parked in the area/ on the side of comps building; truck appears to have someone sleeping inside


22-L14425 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 2300 6TH AVE N

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 01:12:59

Cad Comments:

got a strange call from neighbor


22-L14427 Prowler

Incident Address: 300 15TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 05:26:57

Cad Comments:

think someone is in backyard


22-L14428 LAlarm

Incident Address: 3200 HATWAI RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 06:16:18

Cad Comments:

Office and shop. Silent alarm