Lewiston Police Logs for Monday, September 19

22-L14581 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 800 SNAKE RIVER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 07:24:06

Cad Comments:

male in a small silver car parked on Snake River Ave has been running for over 30 minutes, the windows are up. Unkn if he’s sleeping or dead.


22-L14582 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 9th St & Vista Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:28:43

Cad Comments:

2 horses on small dry lot, no grass, just dirt. comp doesn’t hay, not enough room for 2 horses. like its in someone’s dirt backyard


22-L14583 Disabled Vehicle

Incident Address: 3RD AVE N & US HIGHWAY 12

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:32:34

Cad Comments:

grain train broken down in the turn lane // nb // 2 vehs stopped trying to help


22-L14584 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 800 BRYDEN AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:20:22

Cad Comments:

a chicken wandered into comps daughters yard // chicken is sitting under the car, comp thinks it might be hurt // has been there since yesterday


22-L14585 Citizen Assist

Incident Address: 400 LINDEN DR

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:47:50

Cad Comments:

comp home with his elderly father, father not taking meds and is combative // comp is safe right now


22-L14586 Vandalism

Incident Address: 18th St & Powers Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:50:53

Cad Comments:

small white car on blocks with spray painted profanities


22-L14587 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 500 THAIN RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:20:44

Cad Comments:



22-L14588 Overdose

Incident Address: 1400 BURRELL AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 11:09:40

Cad Comments:

took 34 muscle relaxers, mixing with alcohol, started last night.

Chief Complaint: Overdose / Poisoning (Ingestion)

34-year-old, Female, Conscious, Breathing.

Caller Statement: took muscle relaxers with alcohol


22-L14589 Trespassing

Incident Address: 30 US HIGHWAY 12; MEMORIAL BRIDGE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 11:22:07

Cad Comments:

homeless people on the railroad tracks, comp has asked them to get off 3 times . two subjects


22-L14590 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 2100 POWERS AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 11:34:01

Cad Comments:



22-L14591 Property Damage, Non Vandalism

Incident Address: 300 18TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:05:56

Cad Comments:

someone hit the back of the building at the end of last week, just noticed it today.


22-L14592 Theft

Incident Address: 1300 MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:06:21

Cad Comments:

two older bald men in a blu beat up car, stole dilly bars from the store. Just occurred, no plate. NB on 13th


22-L14593 Disabled Vehicle

Incident Address: 300 21ST ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:39:39

Cad Comments:

in front of in the NB turn lane from Main to 21st; white car sedan


22-L14594 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 2900 CECIL ANDRUS WAY

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:45:33

Cad Comments:

Subject just had a seizure or something and then got up and walked out of the room.


22-L14595 Code Enforcement

Incident Address: 1400 28TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:48:12

Cad Comments:

neighbors have a rooster that is noisy.


22-L14596 Domestic

Incident Address: 1800 ALDER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:13:36

Cad Comments:

comp was home for lunch and his soon to be ex showed up and pushed her way passed the comp.


22-L14597 Abandoned Vehicle

Incident Address: 3400 9TH ST E

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: UNF

Time Reported: 13:16:52

Cad Comments:

banged up old ford pickup, looks like it’s been wrecked parked on the road


22-L14598 LAlarm

Incident Address: 300 21ST ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:37:16

Cad Comments:

burg alarm SW entrance motion


22-L14600 Theft

Incident Address: 0300 2ND ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:44:42

Cad Comments:

employee was working outside saw a homeless man go to his tools and take a welding flat hammer, and run off // ongoing problems with homeless in the area // man was headed towards the tribune // man wearing black baggy pants, long hair almost dreadlocks, glasses // the man was “snooping around” all morning


22-L14601 Domestic

Incident Address: 1800 ALDER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:49:15

Cad Comments:

**lobby report** comp in the process of divorcing, stopped by the house to pick up some of her property, husband would not let her in, she had to force her way in, he grabbed comps arms and tried to force her out the door


22-L14602 Traffic Violation

Incident Address: 1300 HEMLOCK AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:54:28

Cad Comments:

Male just flies by, comp says that the neighbors complain about him often. He is going to hit someone


22-L14603 Non Injury Collision

Incident Address: 2000 17TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:59:34

Cad Comments:


22-L14604 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 1300 BIRCH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 14:20:25

Cad Comments:

neighbors has approx 30 cats, they are destroying the property of all the neighbors around // some of the neighbors have been trapping the cats and the cat owner says they are going to “take things into their own hands” // comp does not want the situation to escalate particularly because several of the neighbors are elderly // comp thinks they just had another litter of kitten


22-L14605 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 1500 RIPON AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 14:41:41

Cad Comments:



22-L14606 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 800 21ST ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:01:31

Cad Comments:

gry blu sedan – window down – no shirt on – head back and mouth wide open – been there since at least 1440 but poss much longer


22-L14607 Disoriented Subject

Incident Address: 1300 CEDAR AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:35:59

Cad Comments:

Male is being combative and has had about a dozen knives taken from him.


22-L14609 Collision

Incident Address: 300 MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 15:44:54

Cad Comments:

vehicle vs bike, no injuries


22-L14610 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 600 THAIN RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:12:14

Cad Comments:

male was at the carwash with Iowa plates in a 90’s 4runner, female pulled up in a sil car, female had w/prescription bottle in her hand, she then approached the male in the 4runner. not sure what they were doing


22-L14611 Citizen Assist

Incident Address: 600 21ST ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:07:47

Cad Comments:

guest’s vehicle was hit in the parking lot this morning


22-L14612 Threats

Incident Address: Warner Ave & 16th St

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:44:22

Cad Comments:

student on the bus threatened to bring a gun & shoot up the bus stop tomorrow. It was a first or second grader that goes to Orchards elementary


22-L14614 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 2300 6TH AVE N

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 17:22:23

Cad Comments:

comp wants to talk to an officer. Believes we’re looking for the unkn named males behind her house at the metal shop. Thinks they’re the real murders and they’re going to kill her.


22-L14615 Parking Problem

Incident Address: 3200 CECIL ANDRUS WAY

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 17:25:54

Cad Comments:

red toy highlander parked in the 4th handicap parking spot, in front of the gym


22-L14616 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 2200 THAIN GRADE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 17:29:54

Cad Comments:

2 big dogs inside of a veh chev trailblazer, in front by the door, panting, unknown how long they have been there. windows are only cracked


22-L14618 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 1900 19TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:00:27

Cad Comments:

west on 19th St; bluish pickup has a 2 year old in the back with no safety restraint or car seat left about 5 ago


22-L14619 LAlarm

Incident Address: 1300 MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:26:13

Cad Comments:

burg zone 503 west install shop roll up door – and east shop rollup install


22-L14620 Threats

Incident Address: 2400 16TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:29:24

Cad Comments:

Subject approached comp at the end of the shift & told him that she got into with another employee & he ended it with threats of shooting her.


22-L14621 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 11th Ave & Prospect Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:47:13

Cad Comments:

male sitting on the curb when comp stopped at the stop sign he asked comp to help him, didn’t say what kind of help he needed, comp said no & drove away. short crew cut hair, tanned. Last seen about 10 ago


22-L14622 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 2000 1ST AVE N

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 19:50:49

Cad Comments:



22-L14623 Citizen Dispute

Incident Address: 2000 17TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 21:27:48

Cad Comments:

argument – verbal but was getting heated – throwing hands – standing outside of a bigger whi pick up – male and female – toward the back east side – closer to the bank


22-L14624 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 2300 NEZ PERCE GRADE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:01:45

Cad Comments:

veh occ x2

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