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Idaho County Dispatch and Posse Saves Lives of two out of State Hunters

On September 20, 2022, Idaho County Dispatch received a call about two hunters, Dane Mitchell and Cody Myer, of Illinois. They were not injured but needed assistance getting off the mountain.

They had parked their vehicle at the Sawyer Ridge Lookout in the Gospel Mountains.

The dispatcher was able to guide them via Garmin In-Reach messages to the Gilmore Ranch. From there, they were able to get to the Johns Creek Trail. They made it to the Johns Creek Pack Bridge which led them to Highway 14, where an Idaho County Posse Member was waiting to give them a ride back to their pickup.

“We wish to thank the Idaho County Posse for their assistance and the on-duty dispatcher for her hard work in assisting them to safety,” Idaho County said in a Facebook post.