22-L15673 Parking Problem Incident Address: 3500 14TH ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 07:09:45 Cad Comments: Several cars parked on the property and the comp does not know who they belong to. |
22-L15674 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 1325 21ST ST; STARBUCKS Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 07:12:06 Cad Comments: Male came into the business with what appears to be blood on his face. |
22-L15675 Civil Standby Incident Address: 100 15TH AVE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 07:13:51 Cad Comments: Standby for property exchange. |
22-L15676 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 900 LINDEN AVE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 07:34:39 Vehicle with trunk open, no one around. |
22-L15677 Unwanted Subject Incident Address: 1024 21ST ST; ALBERTSONS Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 07:40:57 Cad Comments: Male on the bench bothering customers. |
22-L15678 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 500 PRESTON AVE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 07:42:27 Cad Comments: Vehicle with hazards on and someone sleeping inside. |
22-L15679 Custodial Interference Incident Address: 719 21ST ST; JIMMY JOHNS Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 08:46:34 Cad Comments: Assistance needed with custody exchange. |
22-L15681 Civil Standby Incident Address: 604 MAIN ST; old Main St Dance Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 09:18:57 Cad Comments: Standby needed for property exchange. |
22-L15682 Animal Bites Incident Address: Prospect Ave & 5th Ave; not in progress Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 09:52:21 Cad Comments: Subject bit by a dog. |
22-L15683 Abandoned Vehicle Incident Address: 500 VALLEY VISTA BLVD Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 10:36:29 Cad Comments: Vehicle parked at the dead end for a week. |
22-L15684 Animal Problem Incident Address: 3rd Ave & Prospect Ave Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 11:02:19 Cad Comments: Two dogs jumping fence to attack other dogs. |
22-L15685 Collision Incident Address: 711 SNAKE RIVER AVE; RIVERVIEW MARINA Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 11:07:32 Cad Comments: 1 vehicle injury collision. |
22-L15686 Vagrancy Incident Address: 1906 BROADVIEW DR; First United Methodist Church Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 11:29:04 Cad Comments: Vehicle parked there overnight. Poss someone staying in the vehicle. |
22-L15689 Code Enforcement Incident Address: 1500 14TH ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 14:03:44 Cad Comments: Camper parked on the street for at least 3 days. |
22-L15690 Suicidal Person Incident Address: 1800 POWERS DR Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 14:45:56 Cad Comments: Possibly suicidal subject. |
22-L15691 Code Enforcement Incident Address: 2300 15TH ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 15:08:06 Cad Comments: Vehicle parked on the street leaking oil |
22-L15692 Animal Problem Incident Address: 625 MAIN ST; MAIN ST GRILL Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 15:17:50 Cad Comments: Vehicle with dogs locked inside. |
22-L15695 Water Line Break Incident Address: 556 THAIN RD; Spears Enterprises Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 15:43:20 Cad Comments: Water shooting into the air |
22-L15697 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 1158 IDAHO ST; Idaho Dept of Labor Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 16:26:33 Cad Comments: Older male, poss intoxicated sitting on the stairs. |
22-L15698 Theft Incident Address: 800 BRYDEN DR Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 16:28:50 Cad Comments: Male outside taking comps package that was dropped at the wrong house. |
22-L15699 Depriving Owner of Vehicle Incident Address: 1300 CEDAR AVE; phone contact Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 16:54:40 Cad Comments: Blk Toyt Rav 4 missing from yard. |
22-L15700 Disabled Vehicle Incident Address: E MAIN ST & 21ST ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 17:21:00 Cad Comments: Small red Honda Civic disabled in roadway. |
22-L15701 Vandalism Incident Address: 1400 23RD ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 18:00:18 Cad Comments: Camper has been vandalized. Possible suspect info. |
22-L15702 Reckless Driving Incident Address: 7th St & Main St; EB Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 18:23:46 Cad Comments: Silver Ford Ranger, speeding, weaving thru traffic, passed in no passing zone, not signaling. |
22-L15703 Noise Disturbance Incident Address: 600 BURRELL AVE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 18:38:45 Cad Comments: Loud music in the area. |
22-L15704 Parking Problem Incident Address: 3200 5TH ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 18:43:30 Cad Comments: Neighbor blocking the way of trash pickup. |
22-L15708 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 3100 5TH ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 19:20:48 Cad Comments: At the dental office at the very top of 17th Street Grade on the East side, someone is trying to get a couple of backpacks out of tree. |
22-L15709 Unwanted Subject Incident Address: 527 MAIN ST; HOPS AND VINE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 19:37:46 Cad Comments: Vagrant subject causing problems for patrons. |
22-L15711 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 621 21ST ST; HELLS CANYON GRAND HOTEL Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 20:20:31 Cad Comments: Vehicle circling the parking lot. |
22-L15712 Domestic Incident Address: 600 WARNER AVE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 20:22:38 Cad Comments: Physical domestic between a male and female. |
22-L15713 Citizen Assist Incident Address: 400 BRYDEN DR; Phone Contact Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 20:34:06 Cad Comments: Needs assistance with orders being placed to the wrong address which is Bryden Avenue and not Bryden Drive and then not being able to retrieve such items. |
22-L15714 Unwanted Subject Incident Address: 621 21ST ST; HELLS CANYON GRAND HOTEL; Parking lot Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 20:51:06 Cad Comments: Male sleeping in his car. |
22-L15715 Suicidal Person Incident Address: 1840 9TH AVE; WHITMAN ELEMENTARY Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 21:22:38 Cad Comments: Possible suicidal subject at this location. |
22-L15717 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 1224 F ST; LEWISTON POLICE Lewiston ID 83501 Dispo sition: INA Time Reported: 21:47:48 Cad Comments: Advised subject that looking inside city vehicle late at night is questionable. He stated he was walking to get a cab at gas station from his res. |
22-L15718 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 1720 18TH AVE; RIVERSIDE RECOVERY Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 21:53:42 Cad Comments: comp outside in the back; someone is creeping around and scaring the comp; she is alone and scared |
22-L15719 Traffic Hazard Incident Address: 1717 21ST ST; TACO BELL Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 22:09:27 Cad Comments: Deceased feline in the roadway. |
22-L15720 Unwanted Subject Incident Address: 621 21ST ST; HELLS CANYON GRAND HOTEL Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 22:32:55 Cad Comments: Subject sleeping in vehicle. |
22-L15721 Agency Assistance Incident Address: 900 MAIN ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 22:37:54 Cad Comments: Assist ISP with DUI. |
22-L15722 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: 621 21ST ST; HELLS CANYON GRAND HOTEL Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 23:09:44 Cad Comments: Person in the parking lot between the Seaport Club and Arby’s not doing anything wrong. |
22-L15724 Juvenile Problem Incident Address: 2600 11TH AVE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 00:26:16 Cad Comments: 4-6 kids were in the park; came up to comps house and started knocking of the door, yelling, and being obnoxious |
22-L15725 Unwanted Subject Incident Address: 621 21ST ST; HELLS CANYON GRAND HOTEL Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 01:26:47 Cad Comments: Male sleeping in a vehicle. |
22-L15726 Unwanted Subject Incident Address: 621 21ST ST; HELLS CANYON GRAND HOTEL Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 03:17:24 Cad Comments: Male at the front desk is unwanted. |
22-L15727 Animal Problem Incident Address: 500 WARNER AVE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 04:27:29 Cad Comments: Unwanted/unaltered male dog at the door requesting to come inside to visit the comps unaltered female dog. The comp will not let him in. |