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Firewood Making Season Rules and Reminders for the Nez Perce County – Clearwater Forests


REMINDER: Personal firewood cutting remains FREE to the public through December 31, 2022, but a free hard-copy use permit is still required.

To obtain a free, personal use permit, simply call or visit your nearest ranger district office or the supervisor’s office in Kamiah. A representative will ask you for some basic, identifying information, then issue you a permit.

Our office locations and phone numbers can be found here:…/nezperce…/about-forest/offices

The Basics

Free personal firewood cutting has been extended through December 31, 2022 on the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests.

A free hard-copy permit is required for firewood and other forest products.

Woodcutters can take up to 12 cords of firewood for personal use.

A cord is the amount of tightly piled wood in a stack four feet high by four feet wide by eight feet long.

Personal use firewood cutting allows you to remove downed timber or to cut standing dead trees in allowed areas.

Contact your local ranger district to see if there are any specific local restrictions or requirements.

Find more information here:…/passes…/forestproducts/…