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LC State Sees Enrollment Climb; Hosted SBOE Oct. 19-20

LEWISTON, Idaho – Lewis-Clark State College’s enrollment is on the rise according to official Oct. 15 census day totals. Propelled by a 13.6 percent surge in new degree-seeking students, the overall headcount at the college is up 2 percent compared to last fall, while overall full-time enrollment rose 0.7 percent.

The degree-seeking entering class includes a 12 percent increase in students who are first-time to college and a 17 percent increase in transfers.

LC State President Cynthia Pemberton is expected to speak on enrollment and other topics when she gives the school’s annual report to the Idaho State Board of Education on Wednesday afternoon. The two-day SBOE meeting, held at LC State’s Williams Conference Center, will start at 1 p.m. on Wednesday and continue the following morning at 8 a.m.

“While we have a climb to make, and our overall numbers are still being impacted by lower enrollments during COVID-19, LC State is poised to grow and we’re excited to see these early indicators,” Pemberton said. “LC State offers an incredible education at an affordable price that is accessible to students throughout Idaho, the region and beyond. From a top-notch traditional campus experience, to a robust menu of online offerings, the No. 1 adult learner program in the nation, nationally ranked programs, new articulation agreements and advances in prison education, dual credit, workforce training and more, LC State is proud to be helping students Do More.”

The meeting and President Pemberton’s presentation will be streamed live on LC State’s YouTube channel. The agenda and meeting materials are posted on the State Board of Education’s website:

According to census day totals, LC State’s Idaho resident enrollment increased by 3 percent as the college continues to predominantly serve Idahoans (79 percent of student body). The college also saw a 2 percent increase in Native American students and an 8 percent increase in male students, which bucks national trends.

Lewis-Clark State College, which offers the lowest tuition among Idaho’s public four-year institutions, is in the middle of its fall semester. The spring admission application deadline is Jan. 8.