Moscow Police Logs for Wednesday, October 19

22-M09038 Fire Incident Address: NEZ PERCE DR; SIGMA CHI MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition: Time Reported: 08:13 Cad Comments: Dumpster fire on N side of Bldg. MFD and MPD responded, no report. ———————————————-  22-M09039 Non-Injury Traffic Accident Incident

Lewiston Police Logs for Wednesday, October 19

22-L16239 VIN Number Inspection Incident Address: 1500 ALDER DR Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 08:07:00 Cad Comments: vin ———————————————— 22-L16240 Unwanted Subject Incident Address: 3700 11TH ST Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 08:32:01

Divots Cutting-Edge Virtual Golf is Coming to Lewiston


LEWISTON – Divots Golf co-owners Monty Buell and Henderson Orchard are thrilled to be expanding the sport of virtual golf to the community of Lewiston, offering year-round, immersive gameplay for golfers of all skill levels. Divots Golf

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress Investigates Communists in Hollywood


THROWBACK THURSDAY – On this day in 1947, the notorious Red Scare kicks into high gear in Washington, as a Congressional committee begins investigating Communist influence in one of the world’s richest and most glamorous communities: Hollywood. After World War II, the Cold

City of Moscow Fire Officials Announce Fall Burning Season

MOSCOW —  City of Moscow Fire Officials have announced a fall burning season will be Oct. 21 – Nov. 20. Open burning is allowed for garden waste, tree trimmings, and brush only. The following conditions apply to open burning: Burning shall

Thursday’s Weather

Weather is brought to you by Nez Perce Express. LC Valley Today: Partly cloudy skies in the morning will give way to cloudy skies during the afternoon. Near record high temperatures. Winds light and variable. Partly cloudy