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City of Moscow Offers Residents Options for Fall Leaf Clean-Up


MOSCOW —  As the leaves begin to fall, the City of Moscow would like to remind residents to keep leaves and other debris out of the streets to prevent them from clogging the stormwater conveyance system. Leaves can block storm drains or clog pipes, leading to localized flooding. Decaying leaves can also lead to increased nutrient loads in our local waterways because stormwater flows directly into them.

City of Moscow offers residents two options to assist with fall leaf clean-up. Residents may bring their leaves to the 24-hour Yard Waste drop-off site located on N. Almon St., directly behind Moscow Recycling, at any time. 

Residents who cannot take their leaves to the Yard Waste Drop-off can schedule for pick-up service from Inland North Waste on Nov. 5 or 19. Residents must call Inland North Waste (INW) at 208-882-5724 at least two days before their desired pick-up date. For pick-up service on Nov. 5, residents must call INW by Nov. 3 at noon. For pick-up service on Nov. 19, residents must call INW by Nov. 17 at noon.

Residents can find information regarding the Fall Leaf Collection and other City of Moscow Sanitation programs by visiting the Sanitation page of the City of Moscow website: For more information, call Tim Davis, Sanitation Operation Manager, at 208-883-7131.