Lewiston Police Logs Monday, October 31

22-L16843 Citizen Dispute

Incident Address: 7th St & Bryden Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 07:55:58

Cad Comments:

truck driver trying to make comp back up and is getting in comps car; are arguing disconnected.


22-L16844 Reckless Driving

Incident Address: 9TH ST & MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 08:43:33

Cad Comments:

smaller white suv // was going the wrong way in the lane on 9th st headed towards main st


22-L16845 Lost Property

Incident Address: 1500 RIPON AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:00:11

Cad Comments:


22-L16846 Parking Problem

Incident Address: 3000 NORTH-SOUTH HWY

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:04:21

Cad Comments:

truck with pull trailer parked on comps property, comp put a note on the pickup yesterday asking them to move it, note has been removed


22-L16847 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 14th St & 18th Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:27:55

Cad Comments:

there is a dog on a leash caught in the Halloween decorations, is howling.


22-L16848 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 1100 WARNER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:27:14

Cad Comments:



22-L16849 VIN Number Inspection

Incident Address: 1500 RIPON AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:44:40

Cad Comments:



22-L16850 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 8TH AVE & 9TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 09:51:15

Cad Comments:


22-L16855 Parking Problem

Incident Address: 3500 11TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: CIT

Time Reported: 10:40:50

Cad Comments:

trailer park across the street has cars all over the place, one is blocking the address sign and blocking visibility for those exiting the apartments. Is a maroon pick-up.


22-L16856 Animal in Custody

Incident Address: 1000 11TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: ANI

Time Reported: 10:42:49

Cad Comments:

caught a stray cat Sat morning,


22-L16857 Vandalism

Incident Address: 1900 19TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:45:37

Cad Comments:

truck was vandalized over the weekend


22-L16858 Abandoned Vehicle

Incident Address: NEZ PERCE DR

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:46:44

Cad Comments:

below SEL and across from Village Center. Someone left a blk Nissan Sentra 4dr. Has been there since at least Friday.


22-L16859 Threats

Incident Address: 800 BRYDEN AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 10:56:50

Cad Comments:

comp had his dog with him, the dog scratched a kids face with her paw // this was 2 weeks ago, today the kids dad showed up and threatened comp and to kill the dog, sue comp, etc, demanded $20,000


22-L16860 Threats

Incident Address: 400 VISTA AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 11:02:42

Cad Comments:

**lobby report** comp was talking to a girl and now she is blackmailing comp // she has pics of comp and is demanding money


22-L16862 Reckless Driving

Incident Address: 1200 8TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 11:45:27

Cad Comments:

grn tac with cab swerving all over the place, headed for downtown


22-L16863 Citizen Assist

Incident Address: 2900 THAIN GRADE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:04:00

Cad Comments:

comp has subject in her lobby and she is confused, doesn’t know where she is or where she should be // she drove there in a rental car


22-L16864 Abandoned Vehicle

Incident Address: 300 THAIN RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:13:52

Cad Comments:

veh has been there for weeks // dually truck and trailer


22-L16865 Welfare Check

Incident Address: 1300 G ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:36:03

Cad Comments:

checking on mom and little boy. comp states that he was told by an anonymous person that the mom drinks all the time and leaves the little boy. neglect and dirty house.


22-L16867 Animal At Large

Incident Address: 100 THAIN RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:44:51

Cad Comments:

comp states that she has found a female pit-bull behind spot on , was able to get the dog to come up to her but she is unable to take the dog with her to the shelter because of her dog.


22-L16870 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 800 SNAKE RIVER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 12:48:00

Cad Comments:

two girls were at the park and were chased by a couple homeless looking guys. They were watching the girls make a tik tok video, then started following them and then ran after them while they ran to the car. 40 neon orange shirt and dirty hair started, other appeared in his 60’s.


22-L16871 Theft

Incident Address: 2300 THAIN GRADE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:04:09

Cad Comments:

comp states that vehicle was vandalized, catalytic converter was stolen. Discovered on sept. 9th 2022


22-L16872 Fraud

Incident Address: 1900 ALDER DR

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:23:21

Cad Comments:


22-L16873 Guns Shots Fired

Incident Address: 400 14TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:32:28

Cad Comments:

comp was shot at by multiple people // un weapon possibly a 270/308 // comp spoke with 313 before making the lobby report // comp does not know how many people were shooting but thinks there were multiple // comp assures me he is not high


22-L16874 Parking Problem

Incident Address: 600 WARNER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:40:10

Cad Comments:


22-L16875 Fraud

Incident Address: 7TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:52:59

Cad Comments:

**phone contact** comp hired a man to help him with a roofing job – worked for comp for a day, comp paid him with a check, he altered the check and cashed it for more money // it was supposed to be $384, he changed it to 500+


22-L16876 Civil Dispute

Incident Address: 300 THAIN RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 13:56:23

Cad Comments:

comp made a trade deal on Facebook Market Place. He failed to pay on time for the car, that may be stolen, and now the other party wants the car back. There was also a phone he traded for the car, and they want it unlocked.


22-L16878 Domestic Battery

Incident Address: 400 LINDEN DR

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: CIT

Time Reported: 15:47:57

Cad Comments:

female struck comp, no injuries. Subject currently yelling


22-L16879 Disabled Vehicle

Incident Address: E MAIN ST & 21ST ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 16:14:11

Cad Comments:

car broken down on east main, approx 100 feet from the intersection on E main// black toyota car blocking 1 lane


22-L16882 Hit & Run Collision

Incident Address: Southway Ave & Snake River Ave

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:03:50

Cad Comments:

blk truck hit comp in the round about &took of nb on sra


22-L16883 Child Abuse or Neglect

Incident Address: 600 SOUTHWAY AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:20:25

Cad Comments:

continuous yelling by the father & 2 little girls crying- around 3 yrs & 6 yrs. Comp says that there has been prev calls regard to kids to both cps & LPD. Unknown the name of the father. Comp says there is always yelling & there is probably animal abuse too, dog yelps & cries


22-L16884 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 300 MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 18:43:02

Cad Comments:

weird kid w/red sweatshirt on – around 20 yr crouched behind dark suv in Caldwell p/l


22-L16885 Animal Problem

Incident Address: 100 SNAKE RIVER AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 19:40:08

Cad Comments:

deer hit by veh – mangled it’s back leg – ls in the road – compl no longer on scene


22-L16886 Disabled Vehicle

Incident Address: 23RD ST & E MAIN ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 19:43:42

Cad Comments:

comp thinks there might be a semi stuck at the end of the street


22-L16888 Reckless Driving

Incident Address: 11TH AVE

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 20:43:50

Cad Comments:

compl adv 4 veh that keep speeding by and kids walking around – 90s pu, whi toyt highlander – all really loud like not muffler


22-L16890 Reckless Driving


Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 22:15:27

Cad Comments:

turning onto sra, no headlights on, lights on now, silver or gray honda or toyota, unk idaho plate, past mt dew skate park, they are still sb


22-L16891 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 100 THAIN RD

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 22:36:50

Cad Comments:

whi van in the middle of the p/l – have been laying on the horn for over 5 min – doors open – at least 2 people inside


22-L16892 Domestic

Incident Address: 2500 14TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:03:49

Cad Comments:

comp heard a lot of commotion there, heard a crash and now woman is screaming for help


22-L16893 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 3100 5TH ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:36:54

Cad Comments:

compl heard a crash – neighbors came over because they thought it was in compl’s home


22-L16894 Citizen Assist

Incident Address: “lewiston area; lobby report

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 23:46:37

Cad Comments:

wants to talk to an ofc about various issues involving two subjects


22-L16896 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 1800 3RD AVE N

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 02:12:57

Cad Comments:

compl called 911 and got npc – adv that there were several people dressed in blk tearing down shed and he has video proof – adv there are other people that live at this addr but he couldn’t get them to wake up tried to call compl to confirm if people still there – he answered but then phone disconnected


22-L16897 LAlarm

Incident Address: 1200 IDAHO ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: FAL

Time Reported: 03:08:26

Cad Comments:


22-L16898 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 400 MILLER ST

Lewiston ID 83501

Disposition: INA

Time Reported: 03:42:33

Cad Comments:

comp has a mental condition where she hears music – comp said she just woke up and heard somebody yelling for help

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