Lewiston Police Logs for Friday, November 4

22-L17056 Non Injury Collision Incident Address: 504 BRYDEN AVE; HOLIDAY STATION Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time Reported: 07:09:47 Cad Comments:  Occurred on the roadway and both pulled into the gas station.  22-L17057 Parking Problem Incident Address: 1100 CEDAR AVE Lewiston ID 83501 Disposition: INA Time

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Death Notices for Saturday, November 5

Carlene Mae Pawlik POMEROY — Carlene Mae Pawlik, 98, of Pomeroy, died Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022, at Garfield County Hospital in Pomeroy. Richardson-Brown Funeral Home of Pomeroy is in charge of arrangements. Robert E. Phelps Robert E.

THIS DAY IN HISTORY-The order is given: Bomb Pearl Harbor


HISTORY.COM – On November 5, 1941, the Combined Japanese Fleet receive Top-Secret Order No. 1: In just over a month’s time, Pearl Harbor is to be bombed, along with Malaya (now known as Malaysia), the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines.