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Twin County United Way Bunco for a Cause

LEWISTON – Twin County United Way of the Lewis-Clark Valley will hold a Bunco Night fundraiser on Wednesday, November 9, from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. at the Corner Villa, located at 2100 14th Ave. in Lewiston.

All proceeds from the event will benefit TCUW programs and affiliated nonprofit organizations in Nez Perce and Asotin counties.

Bunco is a social dice game with easy rules and there is no limit on the number of players.

Each person will pay an entry fee, which will allow them to play the entire night. There will be bunco cards on the tables and three rounds will be played. There will be prizes for winners, the most overall wins, and the fewest wins. A 50-50 drawing also will be held during the evening.

Donations also will be accepted.

Twin County United Way is a nonprofit organization that raises money to fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Asotin and Nez Perce counties. It does so by raising funds to help address these problems and to provide support for partnering nonprofit agencies.

With its new strategic plan, TCUW is particularly focused on increasing the number of students reading at grade level by third grade (education), increasing housing stability in our area (financial stability) and reducing the suicide rate and increasing access to mental health (health).

TCUW started a Kindergarten Readiness program about a decade ago. It is a five-week summer program held in the mornings to help children entering kindergarten to be ready for school, both academically and socially. The program helps students with letters, numbers and other areas of academics while also teaching classroom behavior. This past summer, 72 children from Lewiston, Clarkston, Asotin and Lapwai took part in the program.

TCUW also recently launched the Dolly Parton Imagination Library locally where children up to the age of 5 can receive a free book in the mail each month.

For more information on TCUW or its programs, or to make a donation, visit