$15K Black Friday Cash Bonus


Friday, November 25th play for a chance to win $1,000 during the Clearwater River Casino’s Black Friday Cash Bonus! Play on Tuesdays with your club card all month to get DOUBLE entry points! Visit https://crcasino.com/ for more information.

Lewiston Police Logs For Monday, November 14


Lewiston Police logs brought to you by Rock Solid Hardscape Rock Solid Hardscape can help create your dream outdoor living space. They offer everything from landscaping, water features, retaining walls, pavers, boulder placement and excavation! Call Rock

Transfer Station – Temporary Closure for Scale Repair

Lewiston, ID – The City of Lewiston’s Transfer Station will have a temporary closure on Tuesday, November 15th due to needed maintenance on the scales on site. Once staff has verified the repairs are complete and the

Mayor Bettge Expresses Condolences to the Community

Moscow, ID, November 14, 2022 — (Release from City of Moscow) I am deeply saddened by the events that occurred on November 13th which claimed the lives of four of our community members. It is impossible to understand the senselessness of

<strong>Festival of Trees</strong>


Join Tri-State Hospital Foundation for the 38th Annual Festival of Trees Celebration, November 16-19, at the Clearwater River Casino & Lodge. Learn more and purchase tickets at https://tristatehospital.org/fot/