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Lewiston Police Logs for Thursday, December 1


These police logs are sponsored by Rock Solid Hardscape.

Rock Solid Hardscape can help create your dream outdoor living space. They offer everything from landscaping, water features, retaining walls, pavers, boulder placement and excavation! Call Rock Solid Hardscape at 208-596-2937 to set up your free estimate.

22-L18350 LAlarm
Incident Address: 1800 21ST ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: FAL
Time Reported: 07:43:52
Cad Comments:
text 911- commercial burg alarm

22-L18351 Debris in Roadway
Incident Address: 2500 SNAKE RIVER AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:58:07
Cad Comments:
veh turned off, fuel tank punctured and leaking fuel all over

22-L18353 Citizen Assist
Incident Address: 3100 4TH ST D
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:58:05
Cad Comments:
lobby report Two subjects live with comp and are not allowing her to use the appliances at the house, comp is a partial owner in the home

22-L18355 Animal At Large
Incident Address: 18th St & Powers Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:03:32
Cad Comments:
brindle and white pit bull with orange harness // in and out of the road // on powers running towards 17th

22-L18356 Animal Problem
Incident Address: 1100 N ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:04:10
Cad Comments:
dog attacked comp’s dog

22-L18357 Vagrancy
Incident Address: 300 20TH ST N
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:17:55
Cad Comments:
homeless lady named is camped on comps sidewalk, comp would like her to move on

22-L18359 Vagrancy
Incident Address: “Fisherman’s Access; ns of Train Bridge
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:37:57
Cad Comments:
Advised RO of camping rules on Corp property.

22-L18360 Non Injury Collision
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:57:11
Cad Comments:
fender bender-chevy red pickup & green dodge pickup

22-L18361 Disabled Vehicle
Incident Address: 11th St & Idaho St
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:19:46
Cad Comments:
dodge sil pick up, in the middle of the road, drive train dropped

22-L18362 Welfare Check
Incident Address: 1500 BURRELL DR
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:20:52
Cad Comments:
comp states that they deliver meals to this address and the woman usually opens the door to get the meal and today she did not come to the door. They have tried to call her several times. comp would like to know if she is okay

22-L18363 Fraud
Incident Address: 400 21ST AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:43:26
Cad Comments:
comp has fraudulent charges on her credit card, several charges on her statement.

22-L18364 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 3RD AVE N
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:48:36
Cad Comments:
at the light, 2 veh non inj

22-L18365 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 3rd ave N & memorial bridge
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:48:16
Cad Comments:
2 possibly 3 veh involved

22-L18366 Abandoned Vehicle
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: TRA
Time Reported: 12:51:28
Cad Comments:
older pickup truck, goldish brown, abandoned on the side of the exit to snake river ave, nobody around it // partially blocking the road, right on the corner

22-L18368 Disoriented Subject
Incident Address: 500 CAPITAL ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 13:16:37
Cad Comments:
south side, grn sweatshirt & blue sweatpants acting crazy- carrying something like a shotgun but she isn’t sure what it is

22-L18369 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 4th St & Bryden Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 13:25:23
Cad Comments:

22-L18370 VIN Number Inspection
Incident Address: 500 16TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 13:48:33
Cad Comments:

22-L18371 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 1700 IDAHO ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: CIT
Time Reported: 14:14:02
Cad Comments:
non-injury, two vehicles, not blocking

22-L18372 Depriving Owner of Vehicle
Incident Address: 1800 12TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 15:02:29
Cad Comments:
comps car was stolen, unsure when it happened, car is now in the neighbor’s driveway & the driver is in the neighbor

22-L18374 Domestic Battery
Incident Address: 1700 IDAHO ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:53:13
Cad Comments:
son just threw a bag at comp & hit him in the face

22-L18375 Disoriented Subject
Incident Address: 1800 12TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:28:35
Cad Comments:
Subject called comp saying that there was gun shot fired, comp says that she has an alcohol problems & has some mental health problems.

22-L18376 Unwanted Subject
Incident Address: 300 MILLER ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 18:03:11
Cad Comments:
Subject trying to get in comps car, comp is inside the res, ongoing issue

22-L18377 Parking Problem
Incident Address: 3200 CECIL ANDRUS WAY
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 18:18:27
Cad Comments:
front of the building, car parked in the handicap parking blue lines for ramps,

22-L18379 Cardio Vascular Accident
Incident Address: 1100 WALL ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: CLO
Time Reported: 18:37:10
Cad Comments:
81 yo female cons and breathing possible stroke req transport

22-L18380 LAlarm
Incident Address: 600 13TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 19:18:57
Cad Comments:
com burg alarm-perimeter

22-L18381 Unwanted Subject
Incident Address: 400 PRESTON AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 19:45:58
Cad Comments:
Subjects won’t leave // comp is screaming & crying uncontrollably

22-L18382 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 1100 30TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 19:49:04
Cad Comments:
whi older 4 door subaru, headlight out – comp has noticed it in the neighborhood a few times & tonight it had followed her home & she noticed it parked & watching her. It is gone now, she talked to the neighbor & he has seen it in the area too as well as up at Sunset Park. comp would like officer to check the area & maybe patrol the area occasionally

22-L18383 Disoriented Subject
Incident Address: 100 W 19TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:02:34
Cad Comments:
Subject is having a mental health breakdown, has been going on for days

22-L18384 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 1000 21ST ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:08:42
Cad Comments:
male in p.l screaming, 5’5, beanie, blu shirt, blondish hair, was at comps car pushing the buttons on it, comp has doors the store locked, he keeps coming to the doors

22-L18385 Unwanted Subject
Incident Address: 1000 17TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:58:11
Cad Comments:
male in p/l screaming and talking to himself, weirding the cashier out

22-L18386 Trace
Incident Address: 1900 15TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:15:13
Cad Comments:
open line 911 call; Call taker could hear breathing, but nothing else. No answer on call back

22-L18388 Reckless Driving
Incident Address: 4th St & Bryden Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:46:20
Cad Comments:
there is a car that is swerving and the door is wide up, sedan unkn further

22-L18389 Disabled Vehicle
Incident Address: 3RD AVE N & US HIGHWAY 12
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:48:12
Cad Comments:
stalled semi

22-L18390 Vandalism
Incident Address: 2100 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:53:13
Cad Comments:
wreath down, bunch of ornaments broken, couple teenage boys in the area seem intoxicated. Are near a small Ford car, dark in color.

22-L18391 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 700 21ST ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 23:08:18
Cad Comments:
couple people were chilling outside after closing the lobby; one slipped on a ski mask and went to the dumpster area; one arrived on a scooter riding around the drive through;

22-L18393 Animal At Large
Incident Address: 19th Ave & 17th St
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 00:23:11
Cad Comments:
found an older golden lab; no collar

22-L18395 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 11TH AVE & 29TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 05:54:05
Cad Comments:
someone ran a stop sign hit back of comps car