Lewiston Police Logs for Wednesday, December 7

These police logs are sponsored by Rock Solid Hardscape.

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22-L18630 Reckless Driving
Incident Address: 10TH ST & WARNER AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:03:21
Cad Comments:
whi car mazda no back plate, looked older & used. 3 male occupants swerving in/out of traffic, last seen eb 10th st

22-L18631 Found Property
Incident Address: 600 D ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:09:26
Cad Comments:

22-L18632 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 100 THAIN RD
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:13:13
Cad Comments:
Yesterday around 1620 a male came in on foot. He stated he’d dropped his phone. The male was sick and would come back to get his phone so no one else would get sick. Comp left work at the end of her shift about 10 minutes later. The male came back 2 other times asking about the comp, her name and wanting to see her. He offered her co-worker cash to not say anything about asking about her.

22-L18633 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 1300 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:34:58
Cad Comments:
homeless male yelling at comp as she was outside, darker coat carrying whi grocery bag & back pack

22-L18634 Threats
Incident Address: 600 21ST ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:03:39
Cad Comments:
homeless male yelling & screaming at everyone that walks/drives by. said “do you want to die punk” wearing dark robe

22-L18636 Parking Problem
Incident Address: F ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:08:05
Cad Comments:
blk dump trailer has been there for about 3 weeks; its blocking the trash pick-up

22-L18637 Animal Problem
Incident Address: 800 TAMARACK DR
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:31:39
Cad Comments:
comp states that there is a male in this apartment that abused a dog, grabbed it by the neck, yelling at it & threatened to hit it.

22-L18638 Traffic Light Malfunction
Incident Address: Thain Grade & Nez Perce Grade
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:37:40
Cad Comments:
traffic lights not working, all directions

22-L18639 Intoxicated Person
Incident Address: 500 BRYDEN AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:56:20
Cad Comments:
man wandering around the station, opened comps car door and tried to get in, cursed at comp, etc // walking north on 5th now // blue t-shirt, blue jeans, black hair, mid 30s-early 40s, white male // comp says he is not acting right and is “on something”

22-L18641 Lift Assist
Incident Address: 600 WARNER AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:45:28
Cad Comments:
Chief Complaint: Falls
73-year-old, Male, Conscious, Breathing. Caller Statement: neighbor fell & can’t get up no injuries, just needs help up

22-L18642 Utility Problem
Incident Address: 16th Ave & 21st St
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:48:01
Cad Comments:
power line dropped, was burning, is in the grass, doesn’t appear to still be arching

22-L18646 Suicidal Person
Incident Address: 3200 CECIL ANDRUS WAY
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 13:59:51
Cad Comments:

22-L18647 Agency Assistance
Incident Address: LEVEE BYP ACCESS ; Mp 2
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 14:10:21
Cad Comments:
1994 whi town & country eluding ISP, requesting a 2nd

22-L18648 Theft
Incident Address: 800 9TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 15:21:34
Cad Comments:

22-L18649 Reckless Driving
Incident Address: 5th St & Bryden Ave; EB
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 15:36:15
Cad Comments:
silv BMW, speeding, occ x2, passenger is male w/ baseball cap on, unk driver descrip

22-L18650 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 1800 GRELLE AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: CIT
Time Reported: 15:37:07
Cad Comments:
2 vehicle accident

22-L18651 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 1500 6TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:00:47
Cad Comments:
people poking around the burned house // brown dodge pickup no plates, man in black hoodie with a gotee

22-L18652 Animal Noise
Incident Address: 700 AIRWAY AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:02:13
Cad Comments:
2 dogs at this address barking again, have been barking for at least 30 mins, jumps up on the car in the yard. This is an ongoing issue,

22-L18653 Unconscious Person
Incident Address: 1700 BIRCH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:30:11
Cad Comments:
son laying on the floor

22-L18654 Unattended Child
Incident Address: 2900 MAGNOLIA ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:44:08
Cad Comments:
two children are outside, no parents outside with them or in the apartment for them, comp doesn’t know which apartment number, just that it was dark & no one was in it. Comp was given all this information by her sister who is there & found the children

22-L18655 Fire-Vehicle-Grass
Incident Address: 3800 16TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:31:44
Cad Comments:
2nd caller – seeing flames huge – going up into the tree

22-L18657 Trespassing
Incident Address: 0400 5TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 18:41:05
Cad Comments:
comp says that subject is at this property. Comp wants to trespass male – says there is a protection order

22-L18658 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 600 PRESTON AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 19:08:51
Cad Comments:
comp was awoke the other night by noises around trailer – now, there was a male walking down street through driveway through the east end of the park – comp believes it is possibly associated with drug activity – comp requesting officer check the area – subj was approx 5’8″, lsw gry heavy overcoat, unk pants poss jeans, no hat – subj last seen walking from 7th st towards the trailer court westbound

22-L18660 Unwanted Subject
Incident Address: 1000 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 19:17:42
Cad Comments:
male in p/l refuses to leave threatened to gut compl

22-L18661 Welfare Check
Incident Address: 1200 BRYDEN AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:07:25
Cad Comments:
comp requesting welfare check. comp said she usually comes in a couple times a week and has not been coming into the store, which is irregular – they attempted phone contact, and it has not been turned on for three days – comp said the last time there was a similar incident, she had fallen and had been on the ground for 3 days.

22-L18662 Narcotic Activity
Incident Address: 400 ADAMS LN
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:04:56
Cad Comments:
comp said her children were at her ex-husband’s apartment and her 7-year-old son found a marijuana pipe in her ex-husband’s bedroom – comp said it smelled of marijuana

22-L18663 Burglary
Incident Address: 3500 18TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:35:10
Cad Comments:
comp heard a door open and slam shut approx 10-20 minutes ago – comp said the side door was not locked – comp said a 14-volt dewalt drill was stolen and the suspect left – comp heard a vehicle leaving and gravel kicking up as it left.

22-L18664 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 500 BRYDEN AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:13:31
Cad Comments:
comp heard a noise outside and said somebody just hit the side of the house

22-L18665 Cardio Vascular Accident
Incident Address: 1700 BIRCH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:34:36
Cad Comments:
husband is screaming for help and sitting on the floor – he is intoxicated – he has PTSD from the military per comp – comp said she believes he is having a stroke or heart attack

22-L18666 Vandalism
Incident Address: 800 WARNER AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:27:49
Cad Comments:
ex-wife stole a winch and seat from a four-wheeler before she gave it back to comp – female dropped the 4-wheeler off and left it on the street in front of comp’s aunt’s house – comp said he wanted to report vandalism. comp also said there is a no contact order in place between him and his ex-wife

22-L18667 Utility Problem
Incident Address: 500 24TH ST N
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 22:02:16
Cad Comments:
water line busted – it is pouring water outside – comp does not know where the water is coming from

22-L18668 Citizen Dispute
Incident Address: 300 17TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 22:12:37
Cad Comments:
male that just came to residence and threw feces at comp’s fiancé’s niece – the male does have a firearm, it is unknown where it is

22-L18669 Unwanted Subject
Incident Address: 2100 8TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 22:52:26
Cad Comments:
Subject last pushing a cart around – he was asked to leave before and was warned he would be trespassed if he came back – drk heavy jacket and worn blu jeans

22-L18671 Medical Emergency
Incident Address: 1400 VINEYARD DR
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 01:48:38
Cad Comments:
comp requesting an ambulance for her child – he is thrashing around – nearly 2 yom acting strangely – comp does not know what is wrong – he is arching back, or uncomfortable or something

22-L18675 Fireworks
Incident Address: 12th St & Bryden Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 05:21:45
Cad Comments:
3 juveniles walking eb bryden ave from 12th st // they are lighting off bottle rockets

22-L18676 Reckless Driving
Incident Address: 7th Ave & 6th St
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 06:21:28
Cad Comments:
turning onto 6th st from 7th ave – veh ran two stop signs, cut comp off – veh is small silver car – unk WA plate

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