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Fulcher and Pappas Introduce the Internet Application I.D. Act to Bring Transparency to CCP-owned Websites and Apps


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Russ Fulcher (R-ID) and Congressman Chris Pappas (D-NH) have introduced H.R. 784, the Internet Application Integrity and Disclosure Act, aimed at increasing transparency for consumers using websites and mobile applications that are owned or influenced by the Chinese Communist Party.

The legislation requires operators of internet websites and mobile applications that are partially or wholly owned by the Chinese Communist Party to disclose this information to consumers who use their product. This disclosure is meant to increase transparency and allow Americans to protect their online activities. The bill is a response to growing concerns about the potential security risks posed by websites and mobile applications owned or influenced by the CCP.

Congressman Fulcher commented on the introduction of the Internet Application I.D. Act: “The Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government have a track record of using websites and applications to collect data on U.S. businesses, government, and individual Americans. Consumers unwittingly download applications onto their work and personal devices – not knowing the CCP and China’s government are collecting their data. This bipartisan bill provides Americans with an additional tool to protect their private information. I am thankful for Congressman Pappas’ leadership when it comes to providing Americans with greater data transparency tools.”

“Digital transparency helps American people remain vigilant in the protection of their data and the privacy of their information,” said Congressman Chris Pappas. “This bipartisan bill to require websites and apps owned by the Chinese Communist Party to disclose their ownership will ensure users have the information they need to make an informed decision when downloading or purchasing digital products. Protecting the data of the American people is a bipartisan goal, and I am glad to partner with Congressman Fulcher in this effort to do so.”