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Lewiston Ind. School District 1 takes on a Route Re-design and Student Tracking Software

Lewiston, ID- Released by the Lewiston Independent School District 1 on Tuesday, April 25
Route Re-Design
Over the past two school years, we have been working on a route re-design to provide transportation in a more safe and efficient manner. All routes will be affected by the re-design. Student route numbers will be changing, but in most cases, the student’s stop will not change. Most students will ride the same route in the pm that they ride in the am to school. The change will provide more consistency by having the same driver in the am and pm. We are also working towards reducing or eliminating transfer locations on elementary routes, which will limit the chances of a student getting on the wrong bus. We are currently working on the routes and they should be finalized in May or June. Route information will be provided either at registration or via mail in the summer, for eligible riders living outside 1.5 miles from the school. Students who have Courtesy or Daycare bussing will still need to follow district guidelines for applying.
Student Tracking
The District finalized the purchase of mapping and student tracking software in February 2022. The mapping software allows us to route in a more efficient manner and provide audible turn-by-turn directions to drivers, eliminating the use of paper maps. All eligible students will be issued a bus pass that they will need to swipe in front of a card reader when boarding and de-boarding the bus. It will allow us to have instant access to confirm a student has boarded or de-boarded the bus and where. The system also provides instant feedback to the driver, via a tablet, if a student is boarding the incorrect bus, greatly reducing the chances of students getting misplaced on an incorrect route. The tracking hardware is scheduled for a May installation. If the installation is completed on-time, we plan on testing the system for summer school, with a full rollout scheduled for fall of 2023. A follow-up letter will be sent during the summer with more information, including a “How to Use Your Card” pamphlet.
We are excited about the roll-out of these new systems and look forward to the improvement they will provide in the transportation of our students. If you have further questions, feel free to call Transportation at 208-748-3089, 208-7483093, 208-748-3099 or 208-748-3094.