Death Notices For Wednesday, May 3rd

Munir Adbel-Massih Daud Munir Adbel-Massih Daud, 80, of Pullman, died Sunday, April 30, 2023, in a car crash on Highway 195 near Uniontown. Corbeill Funeral Home of Pullman is in charge of arrangements. Glorian M. Crosby Glorian

Show Us Why Your Mom Should Be Pampered


CatFM wants to pamper a special mom. Send us a photo of you and your mom plus your favorite memory together. Our listeners will help us pick a winner by voting for their favorite. Each reaction counts

Lewiston Police Logs from Tuesday, May 2nd

23-L8460 Depriving Owner of VehicleIncident Address: 3400 14TH STLewiston ID 83501Disposition: INATime Reported: 07:02:37 23-L8461 Citizen AssistIncident Address: 1700 11TH AVELewiston ID 83501Disposition: INATime Reported: 07:13:36 23-L8462 Citizen AssistIncident Address: 500 20TH ST NLewiston ID 83501Disposition: INATime

Wednesday’s Weather


Weather is brought to you by Vig’s Health Food Store LC Valley Today: Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Considerable clouds early. Some decrease in clouds late. A