Lewiston Police Logs for Friday, May 12

23-L9016 TheftIncident Address: 806 SNAKE RIVER AVE; KIWANIS PARK; phone contactLewiston ID 83501Disposition: INATime Reported: 07:01:20 23-L9017 Traffic HazardIncident Address: 600 block BURRELL AVELewiston ID 83501Disposition: INATime Reported: 07:36:12 23-L9018 Suspicious Person/CircumstanceIncident Address: 1212 19TH ST; SEVENTH

Death Notices for Saturday, May 13

Barbara Jean Wagner Riggs SPOKANE — Barbara Jean Wagner Riggs, 87, of Lewiston, died Thursday, May 11, 2023, at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home of Lewiston is in charge of arrangements. Wayne F. James

Saturday’s Weather


LC Valley Today: A mainly sunny sky. Winds ENE at 10 to 20 mph. Clear skies overnight. Winds E at 10 to 15 mph. 84/58 Sunday: Sunshine.  Winds ENE at 10 to 15 mph. A few clouds overnight. Winds