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AAA Urges Safe Driving During the “100 Deadliest Days”

Drive at safe speeds, avoid distractions and aggressive behavior, wear a seat belt

BOISE – With Memorial Day and the start of the summer driving season right around the corner, AAA is reminding drivers to stay safe behind the wheel.

The 100 Deadliest Days, the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day when fatal crashes spike on Idaho roads each year, is cause for concern.  According to preliminary data from the Idaho Transportation Department, about a third of all crash fatalities and serious injuries in 2022 occurred during this time period.

“There may be more crashes during the winter months, but they tend to be less severe because people slow down for the frosty conditions.  It’s a bit more of a free-for-all in the summer,” says AAA Idaho public affairs director Matthew Conde.  “Slow down, avoid aggressive behavior, and ditch the distractions.  That will make the roads much safer for everyone.”

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about half of those who die in traffic crashes without wearing their seat belt could have been saved had they used it.

Every summer, a new batch of inexperienced teen drivers takes the road for the first time.  AAA urges parents to model good behavior behind the wheel and establish a driving agreement with their teen, including rules that should be followed and the consequences of breaking them.

“’When it comes to teaching teens to drive well, ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ won’t work,” Conde said.  “If older drivers aren’t being safe, they shouldn’t be surprised when their kids struggle with it, too.”

What to do after a crash

Call your insurance provider to report the crash and to begin the claims process