Adopt A Duck and Help The Boys & Girls Club of The Nez Perce Tribe

Adopt a duck to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of the Nez Perce Tribe! The race will be broadcast live, June 28th on the Daily Fly Facebook page. There will be prizes for 1st place, 2nd
Registration Is Open

Registration for the 2023 Lewiston’s Hot August Nights is open! Visit to enter your car, truck, or motorcycle. Lewiston’s Hot August Nights will be on August 24th,25th, and 26th.
Idaho Indian Education Summit set for June 12-13 at LC State
Lewis-Clark State College Department of Communications and Marketing
Crapo, Risch, Colleagues Reintroduce Legislation to Combat ‘Smash-And-Grab’

WASHINGTON, D.C.–U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch (both R-Idaho) joined 21 Senators to reintroduce the Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) Protection Act of 2023. The legislation addresses the high number of “smash-and-grab” thefts targeted at federally licensed
$33 million in Leading Idaho Funds Allocated to Coeur d’Alene Lake
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Death Notices for Saturday, June 10
David M. Estes David M. Estes, 77, of Lewiston, died Friday, June 9, 2023, at his home. Mountain View Funeral Home of Lewiston is in charge of arrangements. Sandra Lynn Pinkham LAPWAI — Sandra Lynn Pinkham, 67,
Lewiston Police Logs for Friday, June 9
23-L10767 Animal At LargeIncident Address: Bryden CanyonLewiston ID 83501Disposition: INATime Reported: 07:45:40 23-L10768 Unwanted SubjectIncident Address: 1920 STATE HIGHWAY 128 HWY; DYNAMART 1Lewiston ID 83501Disposition: INATime Reported: 08:30:45 23-L10769 Animal NoiseIncident Address: 1300 block HEMLOCK AVELewiston ID
North Idaho Hunter Mistakenly Shoots Grizzly Bear
Trail from Southway Bridge to Riverside Drive Will be Closed until Further Notice
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Walla Walla District
Look Out Asotin County Hosts Pedestrian Safety Art Contest
Look Out Asotin County