BOISE —The Idaho State Tax Commission’s property tax calculator won’t be available to help Idahoans estimate their property taxes for 2023 as a result of recent legislation. The calculator is normally available starting in mid-June.
A new property tax relief law (House Bill 292 ( ) changed the budget and levy process for taxing districts, making the Tax Commission unable to get timely and accurate estimates. Many taxpayers used the estimator to help them determine whether to appeal their property tax assessments. The due date to appeal to their County Board of Equalization is the 4th Monday in June.
“We’re disappointed that the estimator won’t be able to help taxpayers this year, but we’re happy to see property tax relief coming to Idahoans,” said Tax Commission Chairman Jeff McCray.
The state expects property tax relief to exceed $200 million in the first year of the new law.
Actual tax amounts will be determined after cities, counties, and other taxing districts set their budgets in late summer.