Notice is hereby given that the Nez Perce County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 19th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Brammer Building Conference Room, 1225 Idaho Street, Lewiston, Idaho concerning the following:
TA2023-1 Farming – An amendment to the Nez Perce County Land Development Code, Title 110 – Zoning, to: Reword the “Farming” use in the Forest and Low Impact Commercial Industrial zones to clarify that CAFO’s are not permitted; add “Farming” and “Alternative Farm Enterprises” as permitted uses in the Rural Residential and Single-Family Residential zones; and add “Farming” as a permitted use in the Light Industrial zone.
The complete text of the proposed amendments is available from the Planning and Building Department and on the Planning and Building Department webpage at: Any person or persons wishing to testify at the hearings shall appear at the date and time mentioned above, in person or in the virtual format provided below. For further information, please contact Planning and Building Services at (208) 799-3197, PO Box 896, 1225 Idaho Street, Lewiston, Idaho 83501-0896.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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