Envision Lewiston 2044 – Comprehensive Plan Rewrite

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The public is invited to an open house event at the Lewiston Library (411 D St.) on October 18, 2023, from 11am-2pm and 4pm-7pm, to provide input on the draft map and land use categories. The displays will remain open for input after the event through October 25.

Envision Lewiston 2044 is Lewiston’s new comprehensive plan that will shape how Lewiston grows over the next 20 years. Lewiston’s last plan is from 1999 and the State of Idaho requires cities to have an up-to-date plan. This long-term road map is being built around community input received to date. Join us in developing the future land use map to help decision makers know where land uses are desired to be in the future.

What is Envision Lewiston 2044?

Envision Lewiston 2044 is the name of Lewiston’s Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) that is currently in the works.  The current plan was adopted in 1999, it was originally only intended to guide the City through the year 2020. (Current Plan Link here https://www.cityoflewiston.org/360/Comprehensive-Plan) Lewiston’s new Plan will provide the vision and the tools to anticipate and guide change in ways that preserve the most loved elements of Lewiston but also allow for high-quality development, effective active transportation, and economic development to help improve and maintain a high quality of life. It will center around a community-built vision of what the future of Lewiston could be in 2044.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

The Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) is a community-informed document that offers guidance—or a roadmap—for decision-makers to best accommodate the challenges and opportunities associated with growth and quality of life. For instance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council reference the Plan on a regular basis to make decisions on land use development codes and land use applications by property owners. The Plan considers many facets of the community, including but not limited to, land use, jobs, housing, transportation, recreation, community design, well-being, resiliency, and more. As shown on the timeline [to come] further below, the planning process is anticipated to last 18 months.

How will Plan Lewiston 2044 benefit the community?

  • For residents, the Plan will identify community character elements and locations for future housing, parks, trails, community facilities, and more.
  • For business and property owners, the Plan will include land use recommendations and development policies.
  • For City Leaders and decision-makers, the Plan will give guidance on collaboration and budget decisions, the timing for capital improvements, and the review of development proposals.

Envision Lewiston 2044 Project Timeline

Project Update:

Envision Lewiston 2044 is moving forward. The project is divided into three phases. Phase one was about foundations of the plan. This included background research as well as engaging residents to listen to what the needs and desires for Lewiston’s future are. In phase one we heard from over 1,900 people who respond to a questionnaire. Additionally, we heard from people who participated in person at the Art Under the Elms pop-up tent. The project team also interviewed key community members to hear a variety of perspectives on what Lewiston should work toward. The project team has been working with a Steering Committee made up of 27 community members, board and commission members as well as city staff. In phase one, this committee met 3 times and the project team also presented the project to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Currently the project is in phase two, which will be wrapping up in October 2023.  Phase two has explored the community vision which was crafted on the input received in phase one. It also includes exploring opportunities for how Lewiston can build toward a better future, and includes a draft future land use map. Phase two has included a questionnaire with nearly 700 responses, and input received at two pop up events at the farmer’s market. There has also been two additional Steering Committee meetings and an update presented to the City Council.  Before phase two closes, there will be a public open house at the Lewiston Library on October 18 from 11pm-2pm and 4pm-7pm. The displays will remain open for the public through October 25. The open house is designed to gather input on the draft map, land use categories, and other key strategies that will help Lewiston work toward the community vision over the next 20 years.
Phase three is planned to begin in November 2023 and continue through June of 2024. This phase will continue to build on the public feedback received and draft the plan. The draft plan will have public review periods prior to going before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council for adoption hearings.

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For any questions about the Envision Lewiston 2044 process, please contact City Planner Joel Plaskon at jplaskon@cityoflewiston.org or 208-746-1318 ext 7202.

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