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Hunter shoots grizzly bear in self-defense near Henrys Lake

On the evening of Sept. 30, a hunter shot and killed a large adult female grizzly bear in self-defense after it charged the man while hunting for elk, northwest of Henrys Lake.
The hunter was moving through heavy timber when the large grizzly came out of the brush a short distance away from him. After yelling to warn his hunting partner of the bear’s presence, the bear charged directly towards him. The hunter was able to draw his sidearm and fire several times, killing the bear only a short distance away, before it was able to make contact. No human injuries have been reported.
The hunter immediately called the Citizens Against Poaching hotline to report the incident. Idaho Department of Fish and Game responded to the call and conducted a thorough investigation. It was determined that the hunter acted in self-defense during a surprise encounter with the bear from a very close distance.
Grizzly bears are protected under State and Federal law, and Fish and Game would like to remind hunters that grizzly bears may be encountered in the Greater Yellowstone area as well as in north Idaho.
Here are some good reminders when hunting in grizzly country: