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Washington State Board of Education Meeting- Recap

On October 11 and 12, the Washington State Board of Education came together to discuss school recognition, the Board’s legislative platform, proposed rules on graduation pathways, and the strategic plan (outlining Board work moving forward through 2028). It was the final in-person meeting for member and Eastern Washington representative, MJ Bolt. Chair Bill Kallappa and members honored her with memories and a native blanket ceremony as a tribute to her last eight years on the Board (photo: MJ with her new blanket, and SBE’s Instagram mascot, Snorkels).
Find the agenda, supporting materials, and links to TVW’s video footage of the meeting on SBE’s meeting site.
Approval of Private Schools and Updates to Rules  –  The Board fully approved seven schools, provisionally approved four schools, and  extended provisional approval for six schools that were granted provisional approval in June. The Board also approved proposed revised rules to implement recent legislation, Senate Bill 5515, concerning residential private schools, and Senate Bill 5315, concerning schools authorized to provide special education services. In addition, the proposed rules clarify definitions concerning teacher certification requirements and administrative procedures. A hearing will be held in January 2024, and the Board will consider adoption of final rules at the February 2024 Board meeting.
Basic Education Certification  –  Three hundred and nineteen school districts and local education agencies (LEAs) were certified for offering the program of basic education.
  • All school districts/LEAs have accessed the collection tool and all submissions are finalized.
  • 226 school districts and LEAs have been certified at previous meetings.
  • 93 school districts and LEAs are recommended for certification in October:

Legislative Priorities – The Board approved its 2024 legislative platform. The platform includes long-standing Board priorities (educational equity, funding, and special education), carry-over priorities from last year’s platform, and emerging priorities from the Board’s engagement with students and communities.
Charter School Rules – The Board reviewed and approved rules that would streamline timelines set in rule, correct references, and make other changes as needed to improve readability and ensure effective implementation of the law.
Mastery-based Learning (MBL) – Staff gave a brief background on the Mastery-based Learning Collaborative (MBLC), including a status update and lessons learned from cohort 1 and launch plans for cohort 2. Eliot Levine presented on the MBLC Evaluation Report (Year 2) from Aurora Institute (the MBLC external evaluator) and engaged in discussion with Board members about the findings. Three MBLC school districts sent representatives to join the Board for a lunch discussion about their work to implement culturally responsive-sustaining MBL.
Community Voice – Members learned about the collective impact organization, Yakima Valley Partners for Education, and engaged in small group discussions about the needs of the communities in Yakima as they relate to SBE’s Strategic Plan.
Computer Science – The Board welcomed Hadi Partovi, tech entrepreneur and investor, and CEO of the education nonprofit to speak to the significance of computer science education as it relates to recent legislation in Washington State.
Strategic Plan – The Board discussed priorities for the next Strategic Plan, including what work the Board should focus on to improve the K-12 education system. The Strategic Plan provides a long term vision by establishing priorities and initiatives that guide the Board’s work, the issues addressed during public meetings, and the policies advocated for or adopted by the Board. The final adoption of the plan is scheduled for June 2024.

Upcoming Board Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for December 7 online. The Board has shifted its meetings calendar to come together on even months of the year. The agenda and materials will be posted one week in advance of the meeting on SBE’s meetings page.