Moscow Police Logs for 10/25

23-M08874 Vagrancy Incident Address : 800 BLOCK OF TROY RD MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition : CLO Unit: M172 Time Reported: 07:56 Cad Comments: RP reporting vagrancy.   23-M08875 Trespassing Complaint Incident Address : 1000 BLOCK OF W

Traffic Stop Yields 16 Pounds of Methamphetamine

The following information is preliminary and subject to change as the incident is currently under investigation. Events in this press release may change as the investigation progresses. Post Falls, Idaho– In the evening hours of 10/23/2023, a

Half-Staff Flag Directive- Lewiston Maine Shooting

The President has ordered the lowering of flags to half-staff immediately as a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated in Lewiston, Maine. The flag should be flown at half-staff until

Thursday’s Weather


Weather is brought to you by Happy Day Restaurants LC Valley Today: Cloudy skies. Winds light and variable.Mostly cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy after midnight.  Winds light and variable. 42/31 Friday: Intervals of clouds and sunshine. Winds