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IDGOP Announces second filing of Candidacy for the Republican Presidential Caucus

Boise, ID —
The Idaho Republican Party is excited to announce the second filing of a declaration of candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Caucus.
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis officially filed his declaration of candidacy and submitted his filing fee, marking a significant milestone in his pursuit of the Republican nomination for the presidency. With a proven track record of leadership as the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis brings a wealth of experience and a commitment to conservative principles.
Dorothy Moon, Chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party, commented, “As the Republican Governor of Florida, DeSantis has achieved remarkable success in advancing conservative values. His unwavering commitment to constitutional principles has earned him widespread support among Republicans across the nation. We look forward to receiving additional declarations of candidacy from other Republican presidential candidates and to provide Idaho Republicans with the chance to select their candidate and actively shape the future of our great nation.”
We look forward to an engaging Presidential campaign season. Idaho Republicans will have the opportunity to make their voices heard on March 2, 2024, as they participate in the Republican presidential caucus.
The Idaho Republican Party’s commitment is to uphold the principles of our constitutional republic, ensuring a fair and transparent caucus process that accurately reflects the will of the people. We believe in empowering voters to make informed decisions about the leadership and direction of our country.