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The Veterans of Foreign War have Multiple Events Coming Up

Veterans Day Banquet and Dance Rescheduled. 
The Veterans Day Banquet and Dance which was delayed, due to the gas outage, will take place at the Lewiston Elks on  Saturday, 6 January from 4:30 to 11. 4:30 to 5:30 cocktails, dinner from 5:30-7, and dancing with the “Senders” from 7 to 11. Ticket holders who cannot attend can contact Chuck at the below number for a refund. There are tickets still available.
For more information contact Chuck at 208-791-4674
Pearl Harbor Ceremony
The annual Pearl Harbor Ceremony will take place at 11AM, 7 December at the Confluence. The Lewiston side of the Confluence is the best viewing. The Marine Corps League will conduct honors as the Wreath is placed from the Asotin County Sheriff’s Boat into the river. Weather permitting there will be a fly over of Historic Aircraft.
For more information contact Chuck at 208-791-4674