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Updated Information Regarding the Spirit Lake Police Officer-involved Shooting

The following information is preliminary and subject to change as the incident is currently under investigation.  Events in this press release may change as the investigation progresses.

The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office has concluded its criminal investigation of the Officer-Involved Shooting (OIS) that occurred on November 1, 2023 in Spirit Lake.  The investigation, which included ten interviews, review of over five hours of various video footage, 1300 photographs and the collection of 170 items of evidence, has now been presented to the Kootenai County Prosecutor for review.

The investigation by the Sheriff’s Office revealed that on November 1, 2023 at approximately 6:14 PM, two officers from the Spirit Lake Police Department were dispatched to 6155 W. Jefferson Street #8 to check on the welfare of a possible suicidal subject.  Upon their arrival at the location, the two officers were contacted outside the apartment by the reporting party.  The reporting party, who had already forced entry into the apartment, asked the officers to check on the welfare of the resident.  The officers entered the residence after announcing their presence and encountered a female in a bedroom where an officer-involved shooting occurred.   Immediately following the shooting, the officers withdrew from inside the residence and awaited the response of deputies and additional officers.  Ultimately after a search warrant was secured, officers re-entered the residence and found the female resident, S.A. Floyd, deceased.  A firearm was recovered near her body.
The Spirit Lake Police Department and the City of Spirit Lake are responsible for having an administrative review conducted to determine if department policies, procedures and best practices were followed.
Sheriff Robert B. Norris
By: Lt. Zachary P. Sifford