Moscow Police Logs for 12/22-12/25

Friday 12/22/2023 23-M10498 Suicidal Person Incident Address : 1600 BLOCK OF LEVICK ST MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition : ACT Time Reported: 03:48 Cad Comments: Officer responded. No report.   23-M10499  VIN Number Inspection Incident Address : 100

Ski by Moonlight at Lolo Pass This Winter

KAMIAH, Idaho —The ski season has begun at Lolo Pass, and with it, the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests snow rangers are hosting full moon skiing events. On December 29th, January 26th, and February 24th, the warming hut

Tuesday’s Weather


Weather is brought to you by Happy Day Restaurant LC Valley Today: A slight chance of rain before 8am, then a chance of sprinkles between 8am and 10am. Cloudy, then gradually becoming mostly sunny. East wind 3 to