Important dates to help plan your January

idfg-cliess Thursday, December 28, 2023 – 3:09 PM MST From tags sales to general season closures, here’s a partial list of what’s happening in January From tags sales to season closures, there’s a lot happening in Idaho

Nominate Your Favorite Teacher


Congratulations to Valicity Becker! Who will be the next Alliance Title and Escrow Teacher of the Month? Nominate your favorite teacher at and they could win fantastic prizes from our sponsors. Thank you to Alliance Title

Moscow Police Logs for 12/28/23

23-M10590 Driving W/Lic Suspend/Revoke Incident Address: E 3RD ST & S HOWARD ST MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition: ACT Time Reported: 00:07 Cad Comments: Officer requested case. Report taken.   23-M10593 Trespassing Complaint Incident Address: S MAIN ST; GRITMAN HOSPITAL; ER MOSCOW

Death Notices for 12/29/2023

Kathy Ruchert Kathy Ruchert, 72, of Pomeroy, died Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2023, at Garfield County Hospital in Pomeroy. Richardson Brown Funeral Home of Pomeroy is in charge of arrangements. Jeramiah Sessions Jeramiah Sessions, 41, of Clarkston, died

Friday’s Weather


Weather is brought to you by Happy Day Restaurant LC Valley Today: Partly sunny. East wind around 7 mph. Mostly cloudy overnight. Southeast wind around 6 mph. 50/37 Saturday: Mostly cloudy. East wind 3 to 6 mph. A 20