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US Forest Service Encouraging Public Comment on Lolo National Forest Land Management Plan


With February rapidly drawing to a close, the US Forest Service is approaching the midway point of the scoping comment period for the Lolo plan revision proposed action.
In response to some of the inquiries received at public comment sessions, the Forest Service wants to draw attention to a few resources that may be helpful.

The public is invited to attend two more online Office Hour opportunities to chat before the closing of the comment period. As always, event information can also be found on the Lolo Revision Web Hub.

What When Where
Revision Team Office Hours. Informal opportunity to chat with the Revision Team Leader. 2/26/2024
5-6 pm
Virtual Teams meeting, at this Meeting Link.
Or join by phone, audio only: 1-202-650-0123,Phone Conference ID#: 786 735 759#
5-6 pm
Virtual Teams meeting, at this Meeting Link.
Or join by phone, audio only: 1-202-650-0123,Phone Conference ID#: 786 735 759#

If anyone has additional questions to assist with comments on the proposed action, please contact the Forest Service via email: (