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Harvest Park Volunteer Planting Project

March 12, 2024 (Moscow, Idaho) — Please join the City of Moscow Parks and Recreation Commission’s Bee City USA Subcommittee and the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI) on March 30, 2024 from 9:00 am–1:00 pm  to plant, seed, and remove invasive plants at Harvest Park, located at 209 East Southview Drive near the new Moscow Police Station.

To register, please visit:

Harvest Park
Harvest Park

The purpose of this project is to enhance pollinator habitat in the “dogleg” portion of Harvest Park to benefit the future food forest and support the City of Moscow’s Bee City USA affiliation. Harvest Park is intended to provide the community with a public food forest with a strong emphasis on public education and outreach about the benefits and pride in growing food. The vision for Harvest Park is as follows:

Harvest Park is a long term, dynamic landscape. This unique space is intended to provide educational opportunities and an example to our community of stewardship of a public food forest. This unique space will create a sense of place and community pride for the City of Moscow for generations to come.
For more information regarding the planting project, please contact David Schott at / (208) 883-7098 or Liv Lampman at / (208) 882-1444.