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LEWISTON, ID: Daughters of the American Revolution, the Alice Whitman Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, has awarded its “Historic Preservation Medal,” to Mr. John Fisher on March 16, 2024.
DAR Alice Whitman Chapter (AWC) Regent Judy Higgins, along with DAR AWC Historic Preservation Chair Becky Riendeau, presented the 2024 award to Mr. John Fisher for recreating the medical kit, filled with artifacts and historic medical equipment as well as reenacting the part of the medical officer on the Lewis and Clark Expedition for presentations. Mr. Fisher has devoted about 50 years and tens of thousands of dollars to his project of creating and donating 26 medical kits, to schools and museums, along with giving presentations to thousands of people.

Medical Kit Replica- photo taken by Laura Wright

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) Historic Preservation Medal is a national award that recognizes and honors a person who has done extraordinary volunteer work over a long period of time in establishing a historic district, preserving a local landmark, restoring or preserving objects of historic cultural significance, or establishing or participating in oral history projects, youth leadership and education, as it pertains to historic preservation, at the regional, state, and/or national level. According to NSDAR, fewer than 30 are presented each year throughout the entire United States.
Mr. Fisher, wearing his period -authentic handmade leather outfit he stitched himself, happily received his Historic Preservation Medal as well as the Certificate in Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in Historic Preservation. This award is the highest honor that the DAR gives for community volunteerism.
“Mr. Fisher’s research is a blend of history and creativity,” says AWC Becky Riendeau, “which his audiences benefit from as he has you emersed in experiences the expedition faced and documented along this unique journey across an unknown land.”
Mr. John Fisher has a colorful past which led to his journey of researching all the items carried by the Lewis and Clark expedition, including firearms. He enlisted and served in the U.S. Army at Valley Forge, PA and the Canal Zone as an Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician. He graduated from East Stroudsburg Teachers College, PA, with a BA in Science and minors in art and Spanish and taught chemistry, physical science, biology, zoology, environmental science and geology at Lewiston High School (LHS) between 1968 and 2002. He taught one year in Hawaii (1974-75) as well. In between teaching, he worked summers (1973-1983) as lead whitewater boatman and naturalist/historian for Grand Canyon Dories on the Salmon and Snake Rivers in Idaho. He has also traveled extensively in Latin America and Asia studying ecosystems and pollution, and how people live in extreme environments.
In the 1990s, Mr. Fisher received three Outstanding LHS Teacher Awards for creative “hands-on” teaching methods. It was during these teaching years that Mr. Fisher developed deep interest in the Lewis and Clark expedition, which led to the creation of a replica of the medical kit used on this journey. Mr. Fisher has built a total of 26 of these kits and donated them to museums and schools across the country, most notably at Ft. Mandan, ND.
“To have one of thirty awarded to a person who documented a noted relic from one of America’s historic journeys is a testament of the significance of this award,” says AWC Regent Judy Higgin.
John Fisher with Judy Higgins- photo taken by Laura Wright

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is a women’s service organization whose members can trace their lineage to an individual who contributed to securing American independence during the Revolutionary War. Today’s DAR is dynamic and diverse, with over 190,000 members in 3,000 chapters in the United States and abroad. DAR members annually provide millions of hours of volunteer service to their local communities across the country and world. DAR chapters participate in projects to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Over one million members have joined the organization since its founding in 1890. For additional information about DAR and its relevant mission, visit
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