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Washington State Fire Marshal Urging Preparedness and Prevention Heading into Wildfire Season

OLYMPIA– Summer is just around the corner, and the weather is expected to get warmer and dryer. As we get ready for sun and fun, we need to prevent and prepare for wildfires.

In 2023, Washington had one of our most challenging wildfire seasons to date with a total of 1,880 wildfires- the second highest recorded reported by Commissioner Franz, DNR Leaders. According to the National Fire Protection Association, wildfires cost the US $18 billion in property losses in 2022.

Wildfire Preparedness Day is May 4th which is a great time to take the following actions:

Reduce risk:

Be prepared:

If you’d like more examples, click here to see NFPA information on wildfire preparedness.

For more information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at (360) 596-3904.