(Lewiston, ID) Independent School District No. 1 is proud to share results from the 2023-2024 Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI). The IRI is a standardized test that measures primary grade students (kindergarten through third grade) on skills like vocabulary, spelling, fluency, and other aspects of reading which vary by grade level. The test determines whether students are at, near, or below grade level and the results are reported in percentages.
Students in ISD No. 1 performed extremely well on the IRI, and ranked second out of the 25 largest traditional school districts in the state of Idaho, with 78.9% of students reading at grade level. McGhee Elementary was the highest performing school within the district, with 82.5% of students testing at or above grade level. All district elementary schools performed at least eight percentage points higher than the state average of 66.5%.
This type of performance is not possible without the support and encouragement from teachers, educational support professionals, support staff, families, and the community at large. ISD No. 1 would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who helped our students build a strong foundation as readers.
For more information, please contact Superintendent Lance Hansen at lhansen@lewistonschools.net.
Independent School District No. 1 Celebrating IRI Performance Results