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ICRS Meeting Kicks off New School Year, New Round of Grants for Career Technical Education in Idaho


(BOISE, ID) – The Idaho Career Ready Students (ICRS) council met this week to reconsider 17 proposals that were recommended for funding by the council previously, but were not awarded due to a lack of program funds. These new grant approvals were made possible through an additional $20 million appropriation from the Idaho Legislature made during the 2024 session.

ICRS grants are designed to reduce reliance on federal funds for Career Technical Education (CTE) programming. To date, the council has awarded over $62.5 million to help fund 72 total proposals. ICRS funding determinations are made by an 11-member council that considers factors such as partnership with local industry, sustainability of the proposed program and responsiveness to community and statewide workforce needs.

The following grants were awarded for capital projects at Tuesday’s meeting, with over $18.5 million in total funding distributed:

The following grants were awarded for existing programs with over $64,000 in total funding distributed:

“It’s exciting to see this money getting to schools so it can do what it’s meant to do: benefit Idaho students in a concrete way,” said Superintendent of Public Instruction Debbie Critchfield. “As more and more Idaho Career Ready Students projects get off the ground, we’re eager to see what this will mean for students, industry partners and communities throughout Idaho.”

The council will consider reopening the application period in an upcoming meeting.