Celebrate the Foundation of America: Daughters of the American Revolution Promotes Constitution Week, September 17-23

(LEWISTON, ID) Communities throughout the nation will be celebrating the spirit and meaning of the  country’s Constitution beginning September 17. On this day in 1787, at Independence Hall in  Philadelphia, 39 delegates at the Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution of the United States  of America. Nearly 170 years later, in 1955, DAR spearheaded an effort to set aside one week annually  when Americans could celebrate this iconic signing. After petitioning Congress to set aside the week of  September 17 – 23, on August 2, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Constitution Week into  Public Law #915.  
The celebration’s goals are threefold: to encourage the study of the historical events that led to the  framing of the Constitution in September 1787; to remind the public that the Constitution is the basis  of America’s great heritage and the foundation for its way of life; and to emphasize U.S. citizens’  responsibility to protect, defend and preserve the U.S. Constitution. Local chapters of NSDAR  celebrate with many events to honor this founding document. 
In preparation for Constitution Week 2024, Alice Whitman Chapter (AWC) members provided  classroom materials to local 5th grade students in the Lewis and Clark Valley. There were 136 Patriotic  Flag Bags, which included pocket Constitutions, individual flags, and DAR sponsored classroom  activities for 5th grade teachers. One Lewiston student remarked, “Fun stuff for our very own, in our  red-white-and blue bags.” 
In addition, 100 students received pocket Constitutions, flags, The Flag Code booklet explaining flag  etiquette, and more. Those classrooms were given patriotic cards to write to active service members  across the nation and world as a classroom activity. AWC will process the cards directly to the active duty soldiers, as heartfelt encouragement for their service at this pivotal time in world events.  
“The goal is to educate our younger generation about the historical foundations of our country and  encourage families to read and discuss the Constitution of the United States of America in their homes,”  says Alice Whitman Chapter Regent Judith Higgins. “It is exciting to see our students read the  Constitution and with discussions in our classrooms.”  
The cities of Lewiston, ID (September 9th), Clarkston, WA (August 26th) and Asotin, WA (September  9th) are commemorating U.S. Constitution Week with Proclamations as well as Independent School 
District No. 1 in Lewiston, ID at their Board meeting on September 9th and Clarkston School District  (August 26th). 
Constitution Week is also being celebrated at the Lewiston City Library with a special display on the 2nd floor along with pocket Constitution to take and read provided by AWC. Stop by the Library and see  various posters of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In addition, Washington State University will  be celebrating Constitution and Citizenship Day on Tuesday, Sept. 17th. Lorena O’English is leading  events for Constitution Week including setting out displays of books, and a silent reading of the  Constitution. “Reading the Constitution Out Loud” will take place on Tuesday, September 17th whereby  the library sponsors a round-robin public reading of the Constitution (with amendments) starting at noon  in the Terrell Library Atrium on the Pullman campus. The event is free and open to the public; drop-ins  are welcome. 
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is a women’s service organization whose members can  trace their lineage to an individual who contributed to securing American independence during the Revolutionary War.  Today’s DAR is dynamic and diverse, with over 185,000 members in 3,000 chapters in the United States and abroad. DAR  members annually provide millions of hours of volunteer service to their local communities across the country and world.  DAR chapters participate in projects to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Over one million members  have joined the organization since its founding in 1890. For additional information about DAR and its relevant mission,  visit www.dar.org.  
If you are interested in learning more about DAR membership, visit www.alicewhitman.weebly.com or contact  dar.awc.regent@gmail.com .

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