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Two Bear Air rescues man after 40 foot fall from cliff above Shepp Ranch

(Idaho County) On November 5, 2024, at approximately 5:34 AM, Idaho County Dispatch received a call regarding a fall.  The information was third hand, but they advised the man had fallen down a 40-foot cliff the night before, and they needed medical assistance for him. Their location was up from the intersection of the west fork of  Crooked Creek, which is above the Shepp Ranch off of the Salmon River. 
Due to weather conditions, Life Flight and Two Bear Air were unable to immediately fly. Both helicopters  monitored the weather conditions, and Two Bear Air was able to fly later in the afternoon. Two Bear Air stopped at multiple locations, as they were waiting for a window in the weather. They attempted to locate  him, but were unable as the patient was moved from the coordinates given. 
Idaho County Dispatch was able to communicate with parties on the scene, and they advised he was stable  and could make it through the night. They sent the coordinates of their final location for the helicopter. 

This morning, Two Bear Air was able to locate the patient and flew him to the Grangeville Airport, where  they met Life Flight. The 33-year-old male from Washington was then flown to St. Joseph’s Regional  Medical Center in Lewiston. 
Sheriff Doug Ulmer wishes to thank Two Bear Air and Life Flight for their assistance.