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Coeur d’Alene Teacher Recognized as One of Nation’s Best, Surprised With Milken Educator Award and $25,000 Prize

(Coeur d’Alene, ID) Lakes Middle School was brimming with excitement this  morning as eighth grade math teacher Marcus Ross was surprised with a Milken Educator Award at a  schoolwide assembly in front of cheering students, colleagues, dignitaries and media. The prestigious  national honor – created by philanthropist and education visionary Lowell Milken – recognizes  exceptional educators for their dedication to excellence in education and is considered the “Oscar of  Teaching.” Milken Educator Awards Senior Vice President Dr. Jane Foley and Superintendent of Public  Instruction Debbie Critchfield presented the Award, along with its unrestricted $25,000 cash prize that  Ross can use however he chooses.  
“Today we celebrate and welcome Marcus Ross to our vast and distinguished national Milken Educator  Network,” said Dr. Foley, who herself is a 1994 Indiana Milken Educator. “Through his energetic and thoughtful approach to individualized learning, he makes every lesson interesting and engaging while  supporting students every step of the way. Congratulations, Marcus, and we look forward to the positive  contributions and impact you will make as you continue in your professional journey.” 
Ross was honored as part of the Milken Family Foundation’s 2024-25 Milken Educator Awards season.  The tour will honor up to 45 pioneering professionals coast to coast, marking the 3,000th Milken  Educator in the Awards’ ranks and celebrating a history of changing lives in communities across America. This season will reach more than $75 million in individual cash prizes since the Awards’ inception in 1987 and over $145 million invested in the Milken Educator Award national network overall, empowering  recipients to “Celebrate, Elevate, and Activate” the K-12 profession and encouraging young, capable  people to consider a career in education. 
“I’d like to thank the Milken Family Foundation for raising the profile of yet another amazing Idaho  teacher, and I’d like to congratulate Marcus on this significant achievement,” said Superintendent Critchfield. “Excellent instruction is the bedrock of a high-quality education, and Marcus exemplifies  what it looks like when a teacher commits to being the best for their students and community.” 
The Milken Educator Award is not a lifetime achievement honor. Recipients are sought out while early to  mid-career for what they have achieved – and for the promise of what they will accomplish given the  resources and opportunities afforded by the Award.  
More about Marcus Ross  
A Creative Approach to Personalized Learning: Marcus Ross has a special connection with his students  at Lakes Middle School where he teaches eighth grade math, drawing from his own experience as a  former Lakes student and product of Coeur d’Alene Public Schools from kindergarten through 12th  grade. With a kind demeanor and genuine passion for innovative, hands-on instructional techniques,  Ross tailors his lessons to meet each student’s individual needs. He injects energy into his lessons by adapting word problems to pique students’ interest, using YouTube videos to simulate the steps to solve  them. For a statistics unit, Ross tapped staff members as suspects in a mystery game that rewarded  students with a clue each time they mastered a math concept.  
Ross’ 4-tier classroom management system, now standard schoolwide, keeps students on task with  colored LED lights indicating the tier in place: instructional time (Tier 1), independent work (Tier 2),  partner time/peer support (Tier 3) and small group activities (Tier 4).  
A Leader and Role Model for Others: Early in his career, Ross has established himself as a leader. He  presents for Lakes’ Deeper Learning Institute and serves on the PLC Guiding Coalition and the district  math academy. Ross is also a model educator in the Lab Host Network, where he has opened his  classroom for observation by more than 100 teachers across several states, and by the Idaho  Department of Education. This year, Ross is taking his own professional development to the next level at  Lakes by completing an administrative internship.  
Building Connections Beyond the Classroom: Fostering meaningful relationships with his students and  their families, Ross encourages parents to write notes for their children to read before testing, invites  students to share messages with him on any topic, and writes heartfelt farewell letters to his former  students upon their high school graduation. His positive influence serves him well in his roles as a coach  for cross-country, boys’ basketball, and track. Additionally, Ross is an advisor for the Kind Club, which hosts a “Drive by Kindness” event where students and parents are greeted cheerfully while arriving to  school. He also mentors and supports nearby fifth graders ahead of middle school. A handwritten sign  hanging on the wall of Ross’ classroom explains his advice best: “Remember, you are loved and you matter!” 
Education: Ross earned his Bachelor of Arts in elementary education with an endorsement in mathematics from Boise State University in 2019. 
The Milken Educator Award Reaps Lifelong Benefits

The Milken Educator Award might come to a community near you! Who will be next? Join us as we  surprise these remarkable individuals and celebrate their dedication to excellence in education! Follow the tour and use the #MEA3K and #MilkenAward hashtags on: Facebook (MilkenEducatorAwards)| X (Milken)| YouTube (MilkenAward)| Instagram (MilkenFamilyFdn)| LinkedIn (MilkenFamilyFdn)| TikTok (MilkenAward). 
Visit or call the Milken Family Foundation at (310) 570-4772 for more information. 
About the Milken Educator Awards: “The Future Belongs to the Educated” 
The first Milken Educator Awards were presented by the Milken Family Foundation in 1987. Created by philanthropist and education visionary Lowell Milken, the Awards provide public recognition and individual financial rewards of $25,000 to K-12 teachers, principals, and specialists from around the country who are furthering excellence in education. Recipients are heralded in early to mid-career for what they have achieved and for the promise of what they will accomplish. The Milken Family  Foundation celebrates more than 40 years of elevating education in America and around the world.  Learn more at