Gov. Little, Lt. Governor Bedke mark “Idaho Water Day” with celebration of farmers’ success on new water deal

(Idaho Falls, Twin Falls) – Governor Brad Little and Lt. Governor Scott Bedke joined farmers and water users in Idaho Falls and Twin Falls today to celebrate “Idaho Water Day.”
Governor Little announced last week that after months of negotiations, water users reached the final completion of a new water agreement.
“Today’s celebrations are about thanking our farmers for putting Idaho first. They spent months during their busiest season coming together to compromise and keep Idaho in control of our water. With Thanksgiving upon us, it was important for us to get together and reflect on one of this year’s greatest blessings – the completion of a new mitigation plan that protects agriculture, secures our water, and upholds Idaho’s water sovereignty,” Governor Little said.
Governor Little also acknowledged the leadership of Lt. Governor Scott Bedke in the negotiations.
“I am especially grateful to Lt. Governor Scott Bedke. He took on one of Idaho’s most significant policy issues and helped build the consensus needed to arrive at this milestone. Scott Bedke has demonstrated true leadership once again,” Governor Little said.
“I firmly believe there are virtually no problems, no conflicts, no disagreements that are beyond a solution. Idaho’s newly-minted, farmer-crafted water agreement is a case in point. It is an honor to celebrate the hard work of the many, many key players who came together and cooperated in developing a path forward that puts the long-term health of our state and our people first. I am profoundly grateful to Governor Little for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the process,” Lt. Governor Bedke said.
The proclamation language for Idaho Water Day follows:
WHEREAS, water is the lifeblood of Idaho’s way of life and we must maintain our water sovereignty to protect farmers and ranchers; and
WHEREAS, Idaho has invested more than half a billion dollars in water infrastructure since Governor Little took office in 2019, with the goal of recharging aquifers, creating more water storage capacity, and ensuring thoughtful efficiencies in water systems from the Utah to Canadian borders of our state; and
WHEREAS, Governor Little enacted the Protecting Water Sovereignty Act, creating the framework and direction for the long-term mitigation plan, which was finalized on November 14, 2024; and
WHEREAS, Idaho farmers and water users demonstrated their true commitment to Idaho’s success with their extraordiary hard work and compromise in negotiating the long-term mitigation plan during their busiest time of year; and
WHEREAS, Lt. Governor Scott Bedke and Idaho Water Resource Board Chairman Jeff Raybould displayed exceptional leadership and co-chaired the mitigation plan group, which successfully crafted the 2024 mitigation plan; and
WHEREAS, the Idaho Department of Water Resources dedicated countless hours, resources, and staff above and beyond regular business hours to support the mitigation plan group; and
WHEREAS, the respective chairmen of the groundwater districts and canal companies sacrificed time away from their farms and businesses to meet and collaborate, leading to the creation of the 2024 mitigation plan, which ensures their neighbors, patrons, and families can continue Idaho’s farming heritage for future generations; and
WHEREAS, the 2024 mitigation plan will provide long-term certainty for all the economies across the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer; and
WHEREAS, the hard work and collaboration of groundwater and surface water users has led to a long term agreement that will provide certainty for farmers, protection of Idaho water sovereignty, and a sustainable allocation our water resources; and
WHEREAS, the leadership, hard work, collaboration, compromise, and effort of all involved in the 2024 mitigation plan serves as a model for setting aside differences and putting Idaho first when dealing with complex issues into the future; and
WHEREAS, November 22, 2024, shall be known as Idaho Water Day to recognize the hard work of farmers across the state, but particularly those that utilize the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer, in honor of the work and successful completion of the 2024 mitigation plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BRAD LITTLE, Governor of the State of Idaho, do hereby proclaim November 22, 2024, to be


in Idaho, and I encourage Idaho citizens to recognize this special observance.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Idaho at the Capitol in Boise on this 22nd day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred forty-nineth, and of the Statehood of Idaho the one hundred thirty-fifth.
Brad Little
Governor of Idaho

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