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Damage assessments will determine whether federal aid is an option after Washington Cyclone

(Washington State) As recovery work continues following last week’s bomb cyclone, King County Emergency Management, in partnership with Washington’s Emergency Management Division, held an informational briefing with city leaders in King County. Washington officials will be working with local governments to assess damages and determine whether the damage to public or private property meets the thresholds for aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Crews from the Washington State Department of Transportation removed debris and downed trees to reopen several routes after last week’s bomb cyclone including portions of SR 18, SR 169, SR 164, SR 9, SR 165 and SR 112. The Washington State Patrol also helped local law enforcement keep roadways open for emergency services.

“The complexity and scale of this storm is unlike anything we’ve experienced in recent times,” said Gov. Jay Inslee. “It has left thousands of families and business owners in difficult, and sometimes life-threatening, situations. Trudi and I are absolutely grateful for the skilled crews who have been working day and night to restore power for everyone as quickly as possible. I also appreciate the work of WSDOT, State Patrol and other agencies who were part of the response. Our EMD remains in close contact with local governments to make sure they have the resources they need. We are now coordinating efforts to determine if we’ll qualify for federal disaster aid.”
King County homeowners or business owners are encouraged to report damages due to the storm. Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management says they’ll have guidance next week about how to report damages.
These reports will help local and state officials determine whether Washington will be eligible for federal disaster assistance. Assessments can take weeks to complete, so these reports can help officials move more quickly to apply for aid.
There are two types of FEMA aid the state can apply for:

Once damage assessments are complete, the state may also request to make business and homeowner loans available through the Small Business Administration.
King County is providing certain resources for property owners who have experienced damage. These include:

State support services include: