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Fish and Game To Begin Helicopter Surveys and Big Game Captures in the Clearwater Region


(Idaho State) Beginning in December, wildlife staff will be busy conducting aerial surveys and capture work throughout the Clearwater Region during the next couple of months. The purpose is to gather abundance and herd composition information that helps game managers understand population numbers and trends. In addition to surveys, the department will capture and collar many big game animals. Crews will then monitor the collared animals to get a better idea of herd survival and movements.

Mule deer surveys are planned for Game Management Unit (GMU) 14 and 18 (areas from Grangeville to Riggins) during the month of Dec. to determine herd composition ratios (fawns/does, bucks/does). Staff will also be capturing moose in GMU’s 88A, and 10A throughout Dec. Additionally, bighorn sheep will be captured in GMU’s 11, 13, and 18.

The capture and survey schedule may need to be adjusted depending on snow cover/weather conditions, helicopter availability and how much area staff are able to cover (progress made) each day. The safety of our staff, our public, and our wildlife is first priority. As you can tell, various factors are considered when scheduling winter wildlife work. Some of these variables are out of our control, so it is important to be flexible and adapt as needed. While we understand there are some late season hunts in progress, we will do our best to temporarily avoid areas where we observe people.

Care is taken to minimize disturbance to the animals and prevent the expenditure of valuable energy reserves. Generally, the information being collected can be gathered within a few minutes or less of an animal being spotted.

For questions or more information, contact the Clearwater Regional office at (208) 799-5010.