Thursday, January 9th from 7-9 am, The Center in Colfax
Soil Health Breakfast | Transitioning to Organic Wheat Production
Palouse Conservation District invites farmers and ranchers to the January Soil Health Breakfast on Thursday, January 9th from 7-9 am at The Center in Colfax, located at 110 S Main St, attached to the library.
Kickstart your morning with coffee and breakfast while discovering innovative soil health practices being implemented by fellow producers. This event is intended as a peer-to-peer learning opportunity for local farmers and ranchers. This month’s featured speaker is Craig Kincaid, an area farmer who will discuss his experiences with transitioning to organic wheat production and livestock integration on cover crops.
Registration is requested by Monday, January 6th here.
Wednesday, January 15th from 8 am – 2:30 pm, Palouse Empire Fairgrounds in Colfax 2025 Joint Conservation District Meeting
Join them for a collaborative agricultural and conservation event among the four Whitman County conservation districts: Pine Creek, Rock Lake, Whitman, and Palouse Conservation Districts. The program will feature a panel of area growers, an overview of funding opportunities and programs from local agencies, and 2024 highlights from each conservation district.
Two pesticide education credits are available. Lunch and refreshments are provided. Raffle items are available thanks to our generous sponsors. Pre-registration earns an extra raffle ticket!
Registration is requested here.
Thursday, January 16th at 6:00 pm, Zoom
Conservation Talk Series | Steelhead Conservation with the Nez Perce Tribe
Join them for the next installment of the Conservation Talk Series! We will be joined by Scott Everett and members of the team leading steelhead conservation efforts with the Nez Perce Tribe.
The presentation will feature discussion and information on innovative practices being utilized to restore steelhead populations in the Columbia and Snake Rivers.
Registration is required here.
Tuesday, January 28th from 5:30 – 8 pm, Uniontown Community Center in Uniontown Palouse Conservation District Annual Meeting
Join the Palouse Conservation District Staff and Board for an annual celebration of conservation highlights from 2024 and our plans for helping our community meet conservation goals in 2025. Attendees can network with staff and learn more about district programs and services.
Dinner is provided with special thanks to our sponsors. Cash bar available. Door prizes will be raffled off throughout the evening.
Registered voters who reside within the Conservation District boundary are eligible to vote for a board seat on the Palouse Conservation District Board of Supervisors at the Annual Meeting from 4:30 pm – 8:30 pm.
Registration is requested here.