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LC State Arboretum Receives Re-Accreditation

LCSC Campus

Photo - Lewis-Clark State College

(Lewiston, ID) The Lewis-Clark State College arboretum has again received level one accreditation status through ArbNet. The accreditation period began in December 2024 and will remain active until July 2027.

“We are thrilled to receive the Accredited Arboretum status from ArbNet and the Morton Arboretum, a recognition that highlights the LC State commitment to stewardship of our campus trees,” said LC State instructional designer and arboretum committee chair Carrie Kyser. “This status affirms the vital role our campus plays in providing a living laboratory for our community and future generations to engage with nature, view different tree species and cultivars, and appreciate the beauty of trees.”

To receive accreditation, LC State went through an application process sharing the arboretums’ mission, future plans, organizational governance/staff, current collections, educational programming, and more.

According to ArbNet, level one accreditation arboretums must meet five criteria points: provide documentation of an arboretum plan; have an arboretum organizational group; house a minimum of 25 species, varieties or cultivars of trees; have arboretum staff or volunteers; and include a public dimension.

LC State houses one of two arboretums in the state of Idaho accredited through ArbNet. The arboretum is overseen by a 13-person arboretum committee comprised of LC State staff, faculty, students, and community members. The committee not only oversees the maintenance, but helps plan educational opportunities, organizes community support/fundraising, and organizes an Arbor Day celebration each year. Community members are encouraged to visit the arboretum on campus.

Recognition of this accreditation will take place at the annual Arbor Day celebration.

To learn more about the accreditation visit