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“Not California:” Gov. Little Updates Idahoans on Protections Against Wildfire

brad little

Idaho Gov. Brad Little delivers his State of the State address inside the house chambers at the state Capitol building, Monday, Jan. 6, 2020 in Boise, Idaho. (AP Photo/Otto Kitsinger)

(Idaho State) Governor Brad Little held a press conference today to update Idahoans on the many ways Idaho is working to ensure our state does not experience tragic wildfire events like the ones raging in southern California this month.
“The devastating southern California fires are heartbreaking, and we continue to pray for the many families impacted. However, the extent of the damage is, unfortunately, not altogether surprising. The decisions of California’s elected leaders have made many places in the Golden State unsafe to live. The opposite is happening in Idaho. We are strategically and proactively reducing fire risk and ensuring Idahoans’ property is covered,” Governor Little said.
Governor Little unveiled his first ever Wildfire Report last summer. The report detailed actionable items to improve wildfire prevention and response in Idaho. Governor Little’s administration has made significant progress in delivering on the report’s 10 recommendations and associated directives, including:
  • The Idaho Department of Insurance introduced legislation this week to protect Idaho homeowners, address instability in the property insurance market, and ensure ratepayers – all Idahoans – are not strapped with higher bills after a fire event.
  • Idaho is better managing fuels to reduce fire risk, especially in utility corridors, and grid resiliency grants are effectively protecting our energy infrastructure from wildfire.
  • Idaho has improved interagency coordination and communication in emergency response, particularly with the “first” first responders to fires – our ranchers and loggers.

The Governor’s KEEPING PROMISES budget for fire, which he rolled out earlier this month, was built on recommendations from the Wildfire Report. Governor Little is proposing an additional more than $100 million for fire prevention and suppression moving forward, including:

  • Early detection: New funds to explore and expand our ability to detect fires early. That may mean new cameras and satellite technology to pick up on fire starts so we can begin initial attack more quickly.
  • Enhanced aviation program: New funds to enhance the state’s aviation program with resources that will allow us to increase access to air assets statewide, leading to faster and more efficient initial attack.
  • Firefighter bonuses: New bonuses for wildland firefighters to ensure we can recruit, retain, and support our brave men and women who protect Idaho lives and property.
  • Responsible funding to keep fires small: A plan to replenish the Fire Suppression Fund that was depleted by the very bad fire season in 2024 along with ongoing funding so Idaho is prepared to suppress fires quickly before they threaten lives, property, livestock, and our natural resources.

Governor Little also praised President Trump’s appointment of Idahoan Mike Boren to be the Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
“Last summer, I called out the feds for not putting out wildfires more aggressively. The State of Idaho LEADS on fire and forest management where the feds have failed. With his appointment of an Idahoan to such an important position, President Trump is showing the rest of the country that, once again, what Idaho is doing on land and fire management is working, and we want to help the feds better manage their lands and firefighting efforts to better protect our people,” Governor Little said.

The Governor’s Office of Energy and Mineral Resources awarded grid resilience and wildfire risk mitigation project grants to electric utilities to minimize disruptions in energy delivery and save Idahoans money in the event of a fire. Photo shows poles wrapped in mesh to protect them from fire damage.

The Governor’s Office of Energy and Mineral Resources awarded grid resilience and wildfire risk mitigation project grants to electric utilities to minimize disruptions in energy delivery and save Idahoans money in the event of a fire. Photo shows poles wrapped in mesh to protect them from fire damage.