LEWISTON, ID – The Lewis-Clark State College Social Sciences Division is hosting a three-part speaking series titled “Shifting Perspectives: Complicating and Expanding Stories with Women’s Voices.”
The presentations will take place during March, Women’s History Month, and are free and open to all, including the general public. Each presentation will be held at noon in the Library TCC on the LC State campus.
The presentations will kick off on March 5 with award-winning author Tara Roberts of Moscow, Idaho, providing a keynote presentation titled “How We Imagine Each Other: Building Empathy Through Telling Women’s Stories.” In this presentation, Roberts will be speaking about her recent novel “Wild and Distant Seas,” which sparked the development of this speaking series.
“Her novel focuses on women in one family over several generations, and how they experienced life is just so captivating that it made me think of how all of history looks different when we see it through women’s eyes or add in their voices,” said LC State Professor of History Amy Canfield. “I think we can all learn so much from thinking about things from other perspectives, and I believe each of our speakers will do this, and through different topics.”
Amanda Van Lanen, chair of the Humanities Division at LC State, will continue the three-part series on March 11 with her presentation titled “War Service or Lip Service?: American Women’s Responses to the World War I Home Front.” The series concludes March 13 when LC State’s Adjunct Instructor of English Gwen Sullivan shares her presentation titled “Honoring the Dark: Flannery O’Connor’s Peregrinations Through the Grotesque.”
The speakers will each present for 40 minutes before the time is opened for questions and answers.
For more information visit https://www.lcsc.edu/womens-history-month or contact Canfield (aecanfield@lcsc.edu) at 208-792-2362.