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Spring Burning Season Announced for Moscow

Moscow Idaho

Welcome to Moscow Idaho

MOSCOW, ID – The City of Moscow has announced that the spring burning season will run from March 7 through April 27. During this period, open burning is permitted for garden waste, tree trimmings, and brush only, with several safety regulations in place.

Fire officials have outlined specific requirements for those planning to burn debris:

While no written permits are required, individuals who fail to comply with regulations may face fines under City of Moscow Code. Additionally, burning may be suspended immediately if officials determine that smoke is disruptive to nearby properties or if air quality conditions trigger a mandatory burn ban. Residents can check air quality conditions by calling (866) 790-4337 or (208) 373-0502.

For more information, contact Fire Chief Brian Nickerson at (208) 882-2831 or City Administrator Bill Belknap at (208) 883-7011.