New measure would put Trump’s face on the $100 bill

TCS - A mockup of a hypothetical $100 bill, Donald Trump style.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – New legislation introduced this week would put President Donald Trump’s face on the $100 bill. Currently, Benjamin Franklin is the face of the $100 bill, but legislation introduced by Rep. Brandon Gill, R-Texas, would

Kit Homes: An Old Idea Washington Needs Again, Says Senator

By Harris Homes/Harris Brothers, Chicago, Illinois - Found at [1], Public Domain,

OLYMPIA – The Washington Senate Tuesday passed a bill aimed at increasing the acceptance of kit homes as a potential solution to the state’s growing shortage of affordable housing. Senate Bill 5552, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Wilson, R-Longview,

Man Arrested in Kooskia on Alleged Meth and Assault Charges

Robert Agee

KOOSKIA, ID – According to the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office, a man was arrested in Kooskia on March 4 following a reported threatening incident. At approximately 11:35 a.m., Idaho County Dispatch received a call regarding the situation.